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Duncan replied, "He heartily wished she could teach that art to the huzzies at the Lodge, for he could never discover that the house was washed at a', except now and then by breaking his shins over the pail Cot tamn the jauds!" Of lesser matters there is not occasion to speak much.

Duncan replied, "He heartily wished she could teach that art to the huzzies at the Lodge, for he could never discover that the house was washed at a', except now and then by breaking his shins over the pail Cot tamn the jauds!" Of lesser matters there is not occasion to speak much.

Suddenly I felt a hand fumbling down the coverlid, and 't was Nannie, my old nurse, and her arm was laid heavily across me. "Dinna greet," she whispered, "dinna greet and dull your een that are brighter noo than a' the jauds can show, the bonny blink o' them! They sha' na flout and fleer, the feckless queans, the hissies wha'll threep to stan' i' your auld shoon ae day! Dinna greet, lass, dinna!"

They would mak a bonny nest o' screighing hoolets, if we had them safely under the care o' the sly redcap o' that auld keep: they wad hatch something else than scandal, and leasin-makin, and reports o' the instability o' Border rights, the auld jauds." "I will be content with one of them," rejoined the Warden. "Ha! ha! I see, I see," replied Will.