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Foremost entered the commodore, shaking his stick in a towering passion, and exclaiming at the top of his voice: "What the devil is all this? What's broke loose now? What are you raising all this row for, you infernal little hurricane?" "Oh, uncle! aunty! mother! look look!" exclaimed Jacquelina, wringing her pale fingers, and pointing to the fallen man. The sight arrested all eyes.

Cloudy went up to the grating. Jacquelina put her hand through, and spoke a kind greeting; but Cloudy glanced at the Abbess, looked reproachfully at Jacquelina, and then turning to the former, said: "Madam, I wish to say a few words in confidence to my cousin here. Can I be permitted to do so?" "Most certainly, young gentleman; Sister Theresa is not restricted.

"Of a very near, though unacknowledged relationship; don't question me any further upon that particular point, my dear, for I really know nothing whatever about it. Oh, dear." And the invalid groaned and turned over. "Mother, you are very weak; mother, please to take some tea; let me go get you some hot." "Tell me, Jacquelina; will you do as the old man wishes you?"

Marian, with tearful eyes and eager hands, broke the seal and read, while Jacquelina watched her. For more than half an hour Jacko watched her, and then impatience overcame discretion in the bosom of the fairy, and she suddenly exclaimed: "Well, Marian! I do wonder what can ail you?

An hour's ride brought them to Old Field Cottage. The sun had not yet set, but the sky was dark with clouds that threatened rain or snow; and therefore Jacquelina only took time to jump out and speak to Edith, shake hands with old Jenny, kiss Miriam, and bid adieu to Marian; and then, saying that she believed she would hurry back on her aunty's account, and that she was afraid she would not get to Luckenough before ten o'clock, anyhow, she jumped into the carriage and drove off.

Now, Lina, I cannot be wrong in supposing that you know who struck that death-blow, and that your evidence can thoroughly exonerate Thurston from suspicion! Am I right?" "Yes! yes! you are right," exclaimed Jacquelina, in great agitation. "You will go, then?" "Yes! yes." "When?" "In an hour this moment with you." "With me?" "Yes! I may do so in such a case. I must do so! Oh!

"Now, then, fairest and dearest, you are at last, indeed, my own!" he said, seeking her eyes. "Thank Heaven, I am not! I never foreswore myself. I never opened my lips, or formed a vow in my head. I never promised you anything," said Jacquelina, turning away; and the rest of the journey was made in silence.

Besides, my year's vows expired yesterday, and I am free for awhile, before renewing them perpetually," said Jacquelina, hurrying away to get ready. "And may I be swung to the yard-arm if ever I let you renew them," said Cloudy, while he waited for her.

Jacquelina, white with horror, was kneeling with clasped hands and dilated eyes, gazing at the ruin. The old man's glance fell upon her there, and his passion changed from grief to fury. Fiercely he broke forth: "It was you! You are the murderess you! Heaven's vengeance light upon you!" "Oh, I never meant it! I never meant it! I am very wretched!

And so, year after year, despite the arguments and persuasions of nearest friends, and the constancy of poor Cloudy, Jacquelina tearfully turned from love, friendship, wealth and ease, and renewed her vows of poverty, celibacy, obedience, and the service of the poor, sick and ignorant, in the hope of expiating her offense, soothing the voice of conscience, and gaining peace.