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Ardworth, as you are so near, dare I ask you to ring the bell? 'Monsieur Dalibard, with the utmost deference, I venture to disagree with you. However, don't let my foolish susceptibility ruffle your pride. And you, too, have a worthy object in view, which might well detain you from roach and jack-fish. Have you stolen your interview with the superb Lucretia?"

Ardworth, as you are so near, dare I ask you to ring the bell? 'Monsieur Dalibard, with the utmost deference, I venture to disagree with you. However, don't let my foolish susceptibility ruffle your pride. And you, too, have a worthy object in view, which might well detain you from roach and jack-fish. Have you stolen your interview with the superb Lucretia?"

"Both," answered the invalid with decision. "We'll do both. We will paddle to Willow Point, and try for jack-fish on the way." "Just so the very thing, Little Bill. Are you ready to start?" Billie professed himself quite ready.

We camped on a sand-bar and waited till night; most exasperating when we are already behind time. They caught a Jack-fish. Reached Stony Island at night, after many stops and landings. They eat by themselves and have their own cook. Billy cooks for us, i.e., Preble, Weeso, and myself.

No civilised fish would have deigned to give a second thought to the obvious deception which a mass of indigestible pork presented, but fish of the backwoods especially in the early years of this century were not suspicious. An enormous pike, or "jack-fish," coveted that bait and took it. Not only so, but it took the great cod-hook and ten inches of the line besides.

As he did so, he gave the canoe a little tilt with his foot, and Salamander went head-foremost down among the fish! A simulated cry of consternation broke from Donald Bane. "Wow wow!" he exclaimed, as Salamander's head appeared with a number of little fish struggling in his hair, and a pike or jack-fish holding on to the lobe of his left ear, "the poor cratur! Tak a grup o' my hand, man.

We would go up in the morning to a place called Manshak, and fish until the train would come down in the evening. One day we were fishing and had got some distance apart, when I saw a school of large jack-fish coming down like lightning. I jumped up and grabbed a pike pole that was lying near, slipped the noose over my hand and let fly at them.

The next day, I was walking along the shore with my gun, when the waves cast at my feet a dead jack-fish; I took it up, and felt, from the keenness of my appetite for animal food, as though I could have immediately devoured it, notwithstanding it bore the marks of having been dead a considerable time.

No bait, but she had a knife; a strip of flesh was quickly cut from her own leg, a hole made through the ice, and a fine jack-fish was the food that was sent to this devoted mother. She divided it with the child, saving only enough for bait. She stayed there living on fish until spring, then safely rejoined her people.

When Rabbits abound they live on them but do not prosper; they call it "starving on rabbits." When Caribou meat is plenty they eat it, but crave flour. When Moose is at hand they eat it, and are strong. When Jack-fish, Sucker, Conies, and Trout are there, they take them as a variant; but on Whitefish, as on Moose, they can live with out loathing, and be strong.