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Ivey, says he, nudging me violently. 'I think not, sir, said the Major, with pinched lips. 'Well, I wish he may prove all right! continued the lawyer, with certainly the worst-inspired jocularity in the world. 'I know nothing by him! He may be a swell mobsman for me with his aliases.

I cannot convey to your lordship, by any words of mine, an idea of this terrible explosion; the blazing splinters were hurled into the air, and fell in fiery masses on every side from the park to King William; Ivey the bell-ringer, was precipitated from the scaffold beside the bell, and fell headlong into the mud beneath; the surrounding buildings trembled at the shock; the windows were shattered, and in fact a scene of perfect devastation ensued on all sides.

There is an effigy of Bishop Montague under a staring canopy between the columns of the N. aisle. In the sanctuary is the tomb of Bartholomew Barnes, and a brass to Sir George Ivey. As Dr Harington's sprightly epigram suggests, this portentous display of mortality is not an inspiring study for visitors who come to Bath to take "the cure,"

At last, one Fitzgerald appeared, followed by Ivey, Sanson, Dennis, Bourke, two Macnamaras, and some others. These men were immediately sent over to England; and though they possessed neither character sufficient to gain belief even for truth, nor sense to invent a credible falsehood, they were caressed, rewarded, supported, and recommended by the earl of Shaftesbury.

Michael's Mount, rather in excess of a mile, in thirty-one minutes, Ivey, his boatman merely steering his boat alongside. It is the swimmer's opinion, that the timing of mid, or half stroke, is the most elegant, most difficult, and to conceal, yet fully make use of this "break," constitutes the criterion as to whether the swimmer, be he amateur or professional, is first-class or not.

"The man Faa has been dischairged cured; and the two men, Sim and Candlish, would have been leeberated long ago, if it had not been for their extraordinary loyalty to yourself, Mr. Ducie or Mr. St. Ivey, as I believe I should now call you.

'Weel, says he, 'I aye said he was a gentleman! 'Man Sim, said I, 'that was just what Mr. St. Ivey said of yourself!" "So it was a case of 'Compliments fly when gentlefolk meet." "No, no, Mr. Ducie, man Sim and man Candlish are gone out of your life, and a good riddance!

'The man, Faa, has been discharged cured; and the two men, Todd and Candlish, would have been leeberated lone ago if it had not been for their extraordinary loyalty to yourself, Mr. Ducie or Mr. St. Ivey, as I believe I should now call you.

And, indeed, to be frank with you, I should have set my face against it, if you had! Let them go! They are paid and contented, and have the highest possible opinion of Mr. St. Ivey! When I gave them fifty pounds apiece which was rather more than enough, Mr. Ducie, whatever you may think the man Todd, who has the only tongue of the party, struck his staff on the ground.

Ivey, are ye dry? said the first. 'Now, really, said I, 'is not this Satan reproving sin? 'What ails ye, man? said he. 'I'm offerin' ye a dram. 'Oh, if it be anything to drink, said I, 'I am as dry as my neighbours. Whereupon Sim produced from the corner of his plaid a black bottle, and we all drank and pledged each other.