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They drew up in a triangle beside the window overlooking the cast-iron deer. The cat sprang up, curling in the crotch of Miss Emelene's arm. "Nice ittie kittie, say how-do to big Penny-field-Evans. Say how-do to big man. Say how-do, muvver's ittie kittie." Miss Emelene extended the somewhat reluctant Maltese paw, five hook-shaped claws slightly in evidence. "Say how-do to Hanna, Penfield.

B'ess ittie heart!" Then Lotchen smiled and put up her pretty face to be kissed, which she didn't have to do twice before it was kissed by them both, and Billy who hadn't slung hammers all his life for nothing, rolled up his shirt-sleeves and doubled up his fists, and sparred away at the air as if to suggest what would happen to any one who laid as much as his little finger on her.

You'll be there just in time to greet George at dinner." Miss Emelene fell to stroking the cat, again curled like a sardelle in her lap. "Kitti-kitti-kitti , does muvver's ittsie Hanna want to go on visit to Tousin George in fine new ittie house? To fine Tousin Georgie what give ittsie Hanna big saucer milk evvy day? Big fine George what like ladies and lady kitties!"

In a few minutes she returned, bland and benignant as before; but I thought she had forgotten to give the "poor ittie doggie" anything to eat, judging by the avidity with which he swallowed down chance pieces of cake. The tea-tray was abundantly loaded I was pleased to see it, I was so hungry; but I was afraid the ladies present might think it vulgarly heaped up.

"B'essings!" she said, "b'essings on 'e dear heart an' e' 'ittie body, wiv 'e 'ittie youn' nose, an' 'e ittie b'u' eyes, an' 'e ittie youn' cheeks, an' e' ittie youn' evysing, an' nobody s'all bozzer her at all, not 'e 'east ittie bit, 'tause s'e was a sweet ittie fwing, and Billy, wiz him big fist an' him date big arm, Billy dust take 'e b'ack mans an' all 'e uzzer mans wot bozzer zis ittie soul an' 'e frow 'em yite in 'e Norf Yiver, yite in, not carin' 'tall bout 'e ice, but dus' frow 'em in an' yet 'em det out e' bes' way zay tan.

But Lady Barnes stopped him, not without dignity. "Better not press it, Roger: another time." Barnes laughed, and yielded. He carried the child away, murmuring to her, "Naughty, naughty 'ittie girl!" a remark which Beatty, tucked under his ear, and complacently sucking her thumb, received with complete indifference.

No one ever would have suspected from his positive tone that Mr. Stott never had been in Scotland, either. "I am sorry to insist," said Wallie in response to another significant look from Pinkey, "but we really will have to hurry." Thus urged, they proceeded to clamber in, except Miss Gertie Eyester, who was patting the roan on the nose. "Dear 'ittie horsey!"

Since we're going to live here now, you'll have to do it a good many times, and I'd better show you just how to do it right." She disappeared, leaving a trail of caressing baby-talk to the effect that she would take good care of muvver's ittie bittie kittie. She left Genevieve for all practical purposes turned to stone.

Ittie K. Reno delivered the first woman suffrage address in Nashville, at the Centennial Club, and the first one in Chattanooga was given by Miss Margaret Ervin at the university where she was a student. In 1910 a league was organized in Knoxville by Mrs. L. Crozier French, who became its president. In the summer a suffrage debate, affirmative taken by Mrs.

"'Ittie horse eats human flesh, you'd better not git too close," said Pinkey. Miss Eyester looked admiringly at Pinkey in his red shirt and declared with an arch glance: "You're so droll, Mr. Fripp!" Since Mr. Fripp thought something of the sort himself he did not contradict her, but told himself that she was "not so bad for a dude."