United States or Cuba ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The task would be a digging proposition, pure and simple. A cardinal article of faith of the legal status of the canal is its absolute internationality. By its constitution no government can employ it in war time to the exclusion or disadvantage of another nation.

The wealth invested in it is immense, its trading interests are prosperous and international, and no fear of changing fashion disturbs either dealer or collector. Its Internationality. Wherever you go you find the stamp collector in evidence. The hobby has its devotees in every civilised country. Its hold is, in fact, international.

The success of our popular government rests wholly upon the correct interpretation of the deliberate, intelligent, dependable popular will of America. In a deliberate questioning of a suggested change of national policy, where internationality was to supersede nationality, we turned to a referendum, to the American people.

As my dearest dream is for an internationality of poems and poets binding the lands of the earth closer than all treaties and diplomacy as the purpose beneath the rest in my book is such hearty comradeship, for individuals to begin with, and for all the nations of the earth as a result how happy I should be to get the hearing and emotional contact of the great Russian peoples.