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However, on the whole, he had been pleased with Insie at their first interview, and had patronized her for she had an honest fragrance, and a little taste of salt and now with a side look he let her know that he did not wish to hurt her feelings, although his business was not with her. But if she wanted to give him some refreshment, she might do so, while he was considering.

He perceived the duty, and performed it, according to the discipline of the British army. But Insie was fretting in the conscience of her heart to get the young Lancelot fed and dismissed before the return of her great wild brother.

I shall bring my dinner with me; and you shall have the first help, and I will carve. But I should like one thing before I go; and it is the first time I ever asked anybody, though they ask me often enough, I can tell you." "What would you like? You seem to me to be always wanting something." "I should like very much very much indeed just to give you one kiss, Insie."

With these words Insie came quite close up to his side, and looked at him so that he could hardly speak. "You may say it in a whisper, if you like," she said; "there is nobody coming for at least three hours, and so you may say it in a whisper." "Then I will tell you; it was just like this. You know that I began to think how beautiful you were at the very first time I looked at you.

Lancelot's mind began to fail him all at once; and the spirit that was ready with a host of words fluttered away into a quaking depth of silence. Yet Insie tripped along as if the world held no one to cast a pretty shadow from the sun beside her own. Even the youngest girls are full of little tricks far beyond the oldest boy's comprehension.

You speak very different from the people about here; and you look very different ten times over." Insie reddened at his steadfast gaze, and turned her sweet soft face away. And yet she wanted to know more. "Different means a great many things. Do you mean that I look better, or worse?" "Better, of course; fifty thousand times better! Why, you look like a beautiful lady.

Lancelot, proudly as he stood upon his rank, saw fit to make no objection. Not only did his inner man cry, "Feed, even though a common man feed with thee," but his mind was under the influence of a stronger one, which scorned such stuff. Moreover, Insie, for the first time, gave him a glance, demure but imperative, which meant, "Obey my father, sir."

Pet, who had no fear of any one but Maunder, tried crafty little tricks to please him; but instead of earning many thanks, got none at all, which made him endeavor to improve himself. Mr. And one great excellence of this youth was that he cared not a doit for general opinion, so long as he got his own special desire. His desire was, not to let a day go by without sight and touch of Insie.

And presently he had the heart-felt pleasure of seeing the formidable stranger take the track that followed the windings of the brook. But instead of going well away, and rounding the next corner, the big man stopped at the very spot where Insie used to fill her pitcher, pulled off his coat and hung it on a bush, and began with mighty strokes to fell a dead alder-tree that stood there.

But you could not expect me so to love you all at once as I love you now, dear Insie." "I can not understand any meaning in such things." But she took a little distance, quite as if she did. "Well, I went away without thinking very much, because I had a bad place in my knee a blue place bigger than the new half crown, where you saw that the pony kicked me.