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Scraps of ingrain wall papers may be had from dealers for little or nothing. Cover paper in good colors may be purchased by the sheet. Tailor's paper and brown wrapping paper serve well, and are sold by the roll at a low price. Weaving Materials. Rugs may be made from carpet rags, rug yarns, rovings, chenille, or jute; towels from crochet cotton; and hammocks from macramé cord or carpet warp.

If she ain't to go this year, I must let the child know, for I expect she's lottin' on it." The silence that followed this was broken only by the purring of Pearl who had established herself upon a broad beam of sunshine which lay across the ingrain carpet. Miss Mehitable was recklessly extravagant of carpets in Mrs. Whipp's opinion. She would not allow the shutting-out of the sunlight.

The rag carpet which for years had done duty, and bore many traces of Richard's muddy boots, had been exchanged for a new ingrain not very pretty in design, or very stylish either, but possessing the merit of being fresh and clean.

"Well, then, my dear, choose your wall-papers and borderings, and, when they are up, choose an ingrain carpet to harmonize with them, and adapt your furniture to the same idea. The sixty dollars that you save on your carpet spend on engravings, chromo lithographs, or photographs of some good works of art, to adorn your walls." "Papa, I'll do it," said Marianne.

I want you to go with me, though, and help me select two carpets, which will be on the floor of your home." So she ran upstairs and got her hat and gloves, and went out with him. She wanted to select coarse ingrain carpets, saying that fine carpets were not needed on a ranch. "Evelyn, you must select the very best velvet carpets that can be found in this city."

Her flightiness and insincerity are ingrain! I believed in her once myself she had such beguiling ways, it was hard to disapprove of anything she said or did. But I was secretly aware, all the time, that there was a radical defect in her composition. A woman who has been engaged, or as good as engaged, to six or eight different men, cannot retain much purity of mind or strength of affection.

There was nothing underbred about themselves; both were ladies ingrain, though Arthurine was abrupt and sometimes obtrusive, but they had not lived a life such as to render them sensitive to the lack of fine edges in others, and were quite ready to be courted by those who gave the meed of appreciation that both regarded as Arthurine's just portion. Mr.

The woman, who was certainly not a lady, had inspired me with a repugnance that I could not describe. There was an ingrain coarseness about her a vulgarity excessively distasteful to me as in any way connected with Olivia. The mystery which surrounded her was made the deeper by it. Surely, this person could not be related to Olivia!

Were not their smiles but coquetry and derision? MYSELF. But why should she deride me? CONTRA. For your youth and innocence. MYSELF. My youth! my innocence! CONTRA. Being a fool ingrain, didn't you boast that you had known but few women? MYSELF. I did, but CONTRA. Didn't she call you boy! boy! boy! and laugh at you? MYSELF. Well even so O Boy! O Innocent of the innocent! Go to, for a bookish fool!

Most of it may have worn away, before historic times, under the stress of centuries of summer campaigns. But something he did ingrain into their being; and it lasted, because not incompatible with the life they knew. It was the element that kept that life from complete vulgarity and decay. You have to strip away all Greekism from your conceptions, before you can tell what it was.