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A Protestant heretic he was already damned; a robber you could put him in jail; a spy you could shoot him or tar and feather him; a murderer you could hang him. But an infide this was a deadly poison, a black danger, a being capable of all crimes. An infidel "Therefore, wherefore, tailor-man?... Therefore, wherefore, God?... Show me a sign from Heaven, tailor-man!"

"Al Pontiere Guazzaro Giuseppe che valorosamente sfidando le infide acque dell' Isonzo cadeva colpito dal piombo nemico. 25 Giugno 1915." And here is another inscription, typical of that Latin sense of comradeship, which is more articulate, though not necessarily more profound, than ours.

"Aunt Chloe's a berry fine woman, no doubt," observed Pomp disdainfully, "but I reckon Marse Horace ain't gwine to infide his matermonical intentions to her; and I consider it quite consequential on Marster's being young and handsome that he will take another wife."

A Protestant heretic he was already damned; a robber you could put him in jail; a spy you could shoot him or tar and feather him; a murderer you could hang him. But an infide this was a deadly poison, a black danger, a being capable of all crimes. An infidel "Therefore, wherefore, tailor-man? . . . Therefore, wherefore, God? . . . Show me a sign from Heaven, tailor-man!"