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These secrets he has taught to Indabeni, and Indabeni has taught them to me so that I might warn you, and having warned, prove the truth of my words." At this a loud "ho, ho," accompanied by a rattling noise, was heard from the war-doctor. Sololo laughed sarcastically. Several of the audience did the same. Then Sololo said: "Are we children, to believe these things?"

For some seconds after the sound of the last footfall had died away, the rattle of Shasha's charms, as he fled, could be heard. Vooda approached Sololo: "My Chief, what word am I to carry to Indabeni?" "Tell Indabeni that the wrong-doer will be given up to the Magistrate to choke with a rope.

He knew the Constable to have a persuasive tongue, to be honest, loyal, and discreet, and, above all, to possess that nameless and almost indescribable quality of imparting trustfulness in those with whom he came in contact. One afternoon a telegram marked "confidential" came from Indabeni to the Resident Magistrate of Mount Loch.

Sololo looked at Vooda as though he would say, "What do you think of that; is he not a most terribly potent war-doctor?" All the other men looked extremely terrified. Dead silence reigned for a few moments, and then Vooda spoke: "O Chief, the magic of your war-doctor is indeed dreadful to behold, but, believe me, the magic of U-Sessellodes and Indabeni is stronger, and I can prove it."

Of course the law had to be vindicated, but were an armed force to be sent against Sololo, the odds were ten to one that within twenty-four hours signal fires would be blazing on every hill, and the war-cry sounding from one end of Pondoland to the other. The Chief Magistrate's native name was "Indabeni," which means "The one of counsel."

"He has not slain a white man, but one of my own people. Government must leave him to be punished according to the law of the native. If one of my tribe slays a white man, I will deliver up the slayer." "But you know what the Government is, my Chief it is over all of us. Even Indabeni himself has to do as it tells him."

"Three things will I do to show the magic of U-Sessellodes, which he has taught to Indabeni I will show you a feather of the Lightning Bird, I will make water burn like dry wood, and I will produce some of the eggs of Icanti and make them, when touched with fire, hatch into young serpents before your eyes." There was not a breath of wind.

"Indabeni's heart is heavy, my Chief, because you, the leopard, are placing yourself in the path of the buffalo, which is the Government. Men have told Indabeni that you refuse to deliver to the Magistrate one who has done wrong." "The leopard may stand on one side and tear the flank of the buffalo as he passes.

Vooda saw there was no chance of a private discussion, and determined therefore to play his game boldly and in public. The dusk of evening was just setting in, and some women had kindled a bright fire. "Indabeni is a great man," said Sololo; "he has eyes all round his head. His words are good to hear speak them, son of my father."

He was, moreover, one who trusted much to the effect of his own considerable personal influence, and he believed in utilising the talents of such of his subordinates as possessed faculties similar to his own in this respect. Indabeni had taken Vooda's measure accurately.