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Of course it is imposseeble in Cancale to have ze grand bain of Paris, but then zare is still something, a bath quite spécial, simple, and of ze people. Remember, monsieur, it is Bäader." And so, with a cheery "Bon soir" from madame, and a profound bow from Bäader, I fell asleep. The next morning I was awakened by a rumbling in the lower hold, as if the cargo was being shifted.

When he handed one of these blanks to his leading French salesman, that gentleman shrugged his shoulders and said: "It eez imposseeble." When the American became insistent all the French salesmen resigned in a body. This objection was purely temperamental. If there is one thing above all others that puts a Frenchman into panic it is publicity of his personal affairs.

The governor had never heard Dieppe called "petite" nor Cancale "spéciale," and said so, lifting his eyebrows inquiringly. Bäader did not waver. "But if messieurs pretend a much smaller route and of few days, say to St. Michel, Paramé, and Cancale," here the governor's brow relaxed again, "then it was imposseeble, if messieurs will pardon, quite imposseeble for less zan ten francs."

"On the contraire, monsieur, les bains are most excellent primitive, of course, simple, and quite of ze people. But, monsieur le gouverneur is no more young. When one is no more young," with a deprecating shrug, "parbleu, it is imposseeble to enjoy everything. Monsieur le gouverneur, I do assure you, make ze conclusion most regretfully to return to Paramé."