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I went back to the theatre and saw her dresser. She is the woman I recommended when Pinto put her on the stage." "What sort of work is Maisie doing?" asked the saturnine Crewe. "Male impersonations," said the girl. "Say! she looks dandy in a man's kit! She's the best male impersonator I've ever seen. Why, when she talks " "Never mind about that," interrupted the colonel, "what did you discover?"

As one might say quoting here a single morsel from the animated description of Scrooge, that was actually illustrated by Scrooge's impersonator it all "spoke out shrewdly in his grating voice!"

"That is the record I took of one of the calls I made merely for the purpose of obtaining samples of voices to compare with this of the impersonator. The two agree in every essential detail and none of the others could be confounded by an expert who studied them. Your 'wolf' was your old friend Kahn!" "Fighting back at me by his usual underhand methods," exclaimed Carton in profound disgust.

By this time Mrs. Brown had reached the door. On the steps stood an elderly man, with a pleasant smile on his face. Mrs. Brown recognized him at once as the impersonator, though of course he had on no wig or costume now. He looked just like an ordinary man, except that his face was rather more wrinkled.

For an instant, even in the semi-darkness, Roy saw the other's face grow white as ashes. "He thinks that Lieut. Bradbury has caught my impersonator," was the thought that flashed through the boy's mind. But the same sudden radiance that had betrayed Mortlake's agitation also showed him that it was the real Roy Prescott he was facing.

Or supposing it is a chapel, in a knight's adventure. An angel should step from the carving by the door: a design that is half angel, half flower. But let the clock first tremble a bit. Let the carving stir a little, and then let the spirit come forth, that there may be a fine relation between the impersonator and the thing represented.

Now you may or may not have heard of a Music Hall artiste a sort of conjurer and impersonator combined called Zyco the Magician, who was once very popular and was assisted in his illusions by a veiled but reputedly beautiful Turkish lady who was billed on the programmes and posters as 'Zuilika, the Caliph's Daughter." "I remember the pair very well indeed," said Cleek.

I bring it to a close by advancing these further propositions: that on the night of the murder the impersonator of Manderson, being in Manderson's bedroom, told Mrs Manderson, as he had already told Martin, that Marlowe was at that moment on his way to Southampton; that having made his dispositions in the room, he switched off the light, and lay in the bed in his clothes; that he waited until he was assured that Mrs Manderson was asleep; that he then arose and stealthily crossed Mrs Manderson's bedroom in his stocking feet, having under his arm the bundle of clothing and shoes for the body; that he stepped behind the curtain, pushing the doors of the window a little further open with his hands, strode over the iron railing of the balcony, and let himself down until only a drop of a few feet separated him from the soft turf of the lawn.

He was a genial man, liking notoriety and excitement. He always seized an opportunity to leap into the center of the arena. In early life he was a clownish sort of boy among the boys an expert mimic and impersonator. This talent made him popular and in his way a leader. He was a natural actor, and early showed marked ability as a speaker.

Pete's dismay when he learned that there had been an overlooked pocket was convincingly genuine. "You see," he explained, "I wore it over my pants, of course, and I had the pockets in them, so I didn't look for no more." Pete escorted the rector to the "Vawdyville," and by good fortune the clerical impersonator in the sketch was still on the board, though in a different act.