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It's a melinkly reflection for a man in my station of life, but' and here he lowered his voice to a solemn pitch 'I've never set foot inside of this 'ere 'ouse without somethink 'appens more or less immejit. Ah, it's true, though. Seems almost like as if I brought a fatality in along o' me.

They sint back the word: tin thousand dollars, and would he plaze lit thim know immejit if it was wanted. He didn't wait to write. He telegraphed: "'If a man had ten thousand dollars, what in hell would he want with a sawmill?" Frank laughed aloud again, uncomprehending the fact that the shrewd little woman was deliberately holding him with her tales till Katrine returned.

I spoke to my wife 'bout it at the time. My wife sed it was well dun. It havin there4 bin detarmined to pertect Baldinsville at all hazzuds, and as there was no apprehensions of any immejit danger, I thought I would go orf onto a pleasure tower. Accordinly I put on a clean Biled Shirt and started for Washinton.

Outside, the controversy between the maid at the door and some other was growing louder, and a demanding, forceful, insolent voice was insisting upon seeing Katrine "immejit," as the frightened French girl came back to the room in a panic of fear. "A gentleman to see you, mademoiselle." "I can see no one," Katrine answered, briefly, her face averted. "He says his business is most important."

Finnegan proceeded to tell of some discoveries of his own. "If ye have iver had onything to do wid shperrits," said he, and looked inquiringly at Jurgis, who kept shaking his head. "Niver mind, niver mind," continued the other, "but their influences may be operatin' upon ye; it's shure as I'm tellin' ye, it's them that has the reference to the immejit surroundin's that has the most of power.

Come in the clay room 'immejit' the gong rings," and she hurried off, humming a gay little song. The gay little song persisted, much to the dissatisfaction of the severe monitor, Miss Green, whose fat and lugubrious countenance took on a deeper shade of gloom at every hushed note that trembled in Patricia's rounded throat.

Why, compare Clara to them female blizzardsthe two Mrs. Daxesand you see Clara’s good p’ints immejit. Yes, miss, the thirst-quenchers are on me if either one of the Dax boys wouldn’t be glad to swap, but I’d have to be a heap more locoed than I am now to consent to the transaction."

"But whose ever it is, we are going to celebrate, since we're invited. I'll write 'immejit, as Hannah Ann says." "But how do you know it isn't David's?" persisted Judith, as she gathered up her letters. "We never asked David when his birthday came, did we?" Patricia rolled her eyes in mock agony.

He havin' navigated at three fifths power immejit ahead o' me, I wasn't goin' to volunteer any assistance, nor he didn't need it. "'Mong Jew! says 'e, sniffin' round. An' twice more 'Mong Jew! which is pure French. Then he slings 'is 'ammick, nips in, an' coils down. 'Not bad for a Portugee conscript, I says to myself, casts off the tow, abandons him, and reports to 'Op.

Dick and I are boss for three days, and we want this boat to start up Broad River immejit!" "Tide's jist a-bilin' out of the river. It'll take all day to get anywhere. Hadn't you better anchor at the mouth of the river till it turns? We can run up the river in the night, so you won't lose any time."