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He thanked the boys, and gave them each a crown. Larry's beautiful brown eyes danced with joy. "Arrah, Teddy," said he, "sure this is a rale providince! I'll go immadiately an buy Dermot's ould feddle." "Faix thin, Larry, ye'll make thrue the sayin' 'a fool and his money be soon parted. I'll go an' buy the Widdy Mullowny's pig, and fat it for the Fair.

Sorrow wan o' me iver gits to slape, but I'm turned up immadiately to go an' poke away at that rock faix, it's well named the Bell Rock, for it makes me like to bellow me lungs out wid vexation." "That pun is below contempt," said Joe Dumsby, who came up at the moment. "That's yer sort, laddies; ye're guid at ringing the changes on that head onyway," cried Watt.

Sorrow wan o' me iver gits to slape, but I'm turned up immadiately to go an' poke away at that rock faix, it's well named the Bell Rock, for it makes me like to bellow me lungs out wid vexation." "That pun is below contempt," said Joe Dumsby, who came up at the moment. "That's yer sort, laddies; ye're guid at ringing the changes on that head onyway," cried Watt.

I am a widow this seventeen year now, an' the divle a man or woman uvver seen me goin' to a public-house. I seen women goin' a drinkin' widout a shift to their backs. I dunno how the divvle they done it. Begorra, I think, if I drunk a glass of ale just now, my two legs would fail from under me immadiately I am that wake." The old woman was a little too censorious, I think.

"I'm Ody, plase your honour; the short for Owen." "And what is your trade?" "Trade, plase your honour! I was bred to none, more than another; but expects, only that my mother's not willing to part with me, to go into the militia next month; and I'm sure she'd let me, if your honour's lordship would spake a word to the colonel, to see to get me made a serjeant immadiately."

An' he that fought two jewels before, all about cats, one of them with a Scotch gentleman that he gave the lie to, for saying that French cooks had a way of stewing cats you could not tell them from hares; and the other immadiately afther, with Lieutenant Rugge, of the Royal Navy, that got one stewed for fun, and afther my Cousin Art dined off it, like a man, showed him the tail and the claws.

"If we ARR men of honour, we are bound to stick to our word; and, hark ye, you dirty one-eyed scoundrel, if you don't immadiately make way for these leedies, and this lily-livered young jontleman who's crying so, the Meejor here and I will lug out and force you." And so saying, he drew his great sword and made a pass at Mr.

If you have any complaint to make against Christy Salmon, make it if not, let me go to dinner." "Oh, it would be too bad to be keeping your honour from your dinner, but I'll make your honour sinsible immadiately. It is not of Christy Salmon at-all-at-all I'm talking.