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I stopped there and then, and grasping my heavy staff waited its approach. "Be that you, sir?" said a voice, and I recognized the voice of Tom Cragg. "What are you doing and there of all places?" "Oh I ain't afeared of 'im," answered Cragg, jerking his thumb towards the gibbet, "I ain't afeard o' none as ever drawed breath dead or livin' except it be 'is 'Ighness the Prince Regent."

"One evening the Prince of Wales came in to play pool, and Jack whispered to the mess president, 'Beg pardon, sir, but am I to call 'im Yer R'yal 'Ighness or Spot Yaller?" Joan shrieked at that, and the sound of her mirth brought Princess Delgrado to them. "You are cheerful this morning, Joan," she said.

But one morning as they came down to the beach he startled the baron by saying: "I want to blay." "Yes, 'ighness, whad shall we blay ad?" said the Baron von Habelschwert uncomfortably, after a little hesitation. "I don't want to blay wiz you," said the prince in a tone which showed, beyond any possibility of misconception, that on that matter his mind was made up.

'Tom, 'e says, 'Tom, you be a wonder. 'I done Jack Nolan up proper I think, your 'Ighness, says I. 'Tom, says 'e, wi' tears in 'is eyes, 'you 'ave; an' if I 'ad my way, says 'e, 'I'd make you Prime Minister to-morrer! 'e says.

"Bud zere's no one else for you do blay wiz," said the baron in English. "I want to blay wiz childrens," said the pupil. The baron drew his heels together and became, though still pear-like, splendidly rigid. His eyes flashed with haughty, but a trifle vicarious pride, as he said: "Zere are no children for your 'ighness do blay wiz 'ere. Zese are nod 'igh and well-born ones."

We'll reach London soon, if we go on like this!" "Yus, and find ourselves in Mr. Narkom's office, a-burrowin' under 'is 'Ighness' desk!" finished Dollops, with a little giggle of amusement. "And 'e wouldn't 'arf be astonished, would 'e, sir?... Crumbs! but the chaps wot made this bloomin' tube did their job fair, didn't they? It goes on forever.... Whew! I'm winded already."

For Gawd's sake, 'Ighness, don't let 'im carry your sweet face to the grave with 'im unless your love goes with hit. You two was made for each other." As a blade loses its sharpness from continuous wear, so dulled the eyes of Carrick in his combat with Death. In the bitterness of his strife he struggled to his elbow. Who can tell of the range of one's soul or the might thereof?

They were encased in brown velveteens much the worse for wear, and in shape resembled a couple of sticks with a crook at the knees. "I lost my sitiwation as gamekeeper to 'is Royal 'Ighness the Dook o' Duncy through bein' too 'onest," he went on with another wink. "'Orful pertikler, the Dook was, nobuddy was 'llowed to be 'onest wheer 'e was but 'imself! Lord love ye!

They bowed sarcastically, and said, "'Ow's your Royal 'Ighness?" when they met; but Nelly hardly heeded them. The long wish had taken shape at last, she was going to be a lady. Summer ended. There was no more boating, but there were still long walks and excursions. The apprenticeship was over, and Nelly was now a regular hand, and farther advanced than many who had worked a year or two.

So he got into bed for a little sleep, but the gaoler came and woke him, and said, 'Git up, your Royal Ighness, if you please, it's TEN MINUTES TO EIGHT!