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"Hi strive to please, sir," he explained. "Whatever the young lady would like. Hin a manner of speakin' I'm 'er 'umble servant, very respectably, 'Arry Iggins." He ducked his head toward her and again toward Blythe. "Come here," the captain ordered. Higgins shuffled reluctantly forward. "When did you first meet this man Bothwell?" "Beg pardon, sir. Don't think I know the gent, sir."

"I 'ardly think it, sir," said Cattell, pensively clasping his beard. "I 'ardly think it. Not popular: it wasn't popular with the man that cut the block, was it, Mr. 'Iggins?" "Did he find it a difficult job?"

The tail of his eye had swung round to take in the lower deck. I could have sworn the man was considering making a bolt for it, but at my words he gave up the idea with a fat sigh. He came up slowly, his eyes fixed on mine as if I held them fascinated. Tiny beads of sweat stood out on his forehead. 'Arry 'Iggins was not at that moment comfortable in his mind.

I have ... been having ... nerve-storms ... since ... last ... Saturday...." The policeman fixed his ominous gaze upon her for quite a minute before he wrote something in his notebook. "Is Private Richard 'Iggins in town to-night?" he asked of Lady Arabel in a casual voice. "I suppose so," she replied. "But he has such a dretful habit of disappearing...." The policeman turned to the Mayor.

"Lady 'Iggins, did you say your son left your 'ouse at nine forty-five P.M. last night?" "Yes, but " "Thenk you, my lady." "You seem to me dretfully impertinent," said Lady Arabel. "This is not a court of law. My son Rrchud left the house with me and our guest to seek shelter from the raid." "Thenk you, my lady," repeated the policeman coldly, and turned to Miss Ford.

'Well, I'm sure I'm very glad of it. It isn't everybody can get on with Louise. I dessay she's told you a good deal about me and her stepfather. I don't think she's any reason to complain of the treatment 'She said you were both very kind to her, interposed the hostess. 'I'm sure we try to be, and Mr. 'Iggins, he doesn't mind what he gives her.

And one thing I can say, that no woman was ever 'appier with two 'usbands than I've been. I've two sons growing up, hearty boys as ever you saw. If it wasn't for this trouble with Louise She stopped to wipe her face. 'I dessay she's told you that Mr. 'Iggins, who was a widower when I met him, has a daughter of his first marriage her poor mother died at the birth, and she's older than Louise.

Emmeline gave her references, and in return requested the like from Mrs. Higgins. This astonished the good woman. Why, her husband was Messrs. 'Iggins of Fenchurch Street! Oh, a mere formality, Emmeline hastened to add for Mr. Mumford's satisfaction. So Mrs. Higgins very pompously named two City firms, and negotiations, for the present, were at an end.

Place Mister Albert Pringle, Insurance Agent; Mister Peter Snagget, Grocer; Mister Alphonso Pumper, Rate Collector; Mister Bill 'Iggins, Publican; Mister Walter Weed, Clerk; Mister Jeremiah Ramsmouth, Local Preacher; Mr.

"The names of the Mayor of the Brown Borough, Miss Meter Mostyn Ford, and Lady A. 'Iggins all of 'oom I understand from the maid are present 'ave been mentioned as being presoomably willing to give information likely to be 'elpful in the search for a suspicious cherecter 'oo is believed to 'ave intruded on a cheritable meeting, at which you were present last Seturday, in order to escape arrest, 'aving just perpetrated a petty theft from a baker, 'Ermann Schwab.