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I got a Thing for you.... 'Ear me? "'E's 'iding, that's what 'e's doing," said the voice of Uncle Jim, dropping for a moment to sorrow, and then with a great increment of wrathfulness: "Come out of my nest, you blinking cuckoo, you, or I'll cut your silly insides out! Come out of it you pock-marked rat! Stealing another man's 'ome away from 'im!

"Where was this?" one of us asked. "Don't know, sir," he said. "It's a blooming funny war. You never knows the name of the place where you're fighting at, unless you 'ears it by chance." Then he added: "Could you tell us, sir, 'ow's the war going? Are we giving the Germans a proper 'iding all along the line?" We inquired regarding their treatment.

Happy as a skylark 'e was, and to see him 'iding behind a barrel with his pistol ready, waiting for the ghost, a'most made me forget the expense of it all. It never came near us that night, and Ted was a bit disappointed next morning as he took 'is ninepence and went off.

"It's Amazon that's away that little badger-pye bitch we got last week I 'ad to give 'er a bit of a 'iding she tried to run a sheep when we was walkin' out last evening she's a revengeful sort, she is, and very artful, and when we gets near kennels, her took an' bolted past Jimmy over the 'ill, an' I says to Jimmy, 'Why you fool' I says "

"That there B's a caution," growled the boy; "he's always a-turnin' up." "Time you knew him, then," said Smith. "Now show us the D." Billy cocked his head a little to one side and took a critical survey of the alphabet before him. His eye passed once down and once up the procession, then looking up at Jack with a grin, he said, "He's 'iding, I reckon, governor.

"Ain't it just what I expected? It's better that wye than to 'ave 'im snoopin' around. When I came up to the mine, 'e was right behind me. I knew it. And I 'd figured on it. So I just gave 'im something to get excited about. It was n't a minute after I 'd thrown a rock and my 'at in there and let out a yell that he came thumping in, looking around. I was 'iding back of the timbers there.

An' old Bill Kayser's fightin' for somethin' what 'e'll never get. But 'e will get somethink, and that's a good 'iding!" We even had a sneaking regard for that "cunning old bird, Kayser Bill." Our treatment of prisoners explains the Christmas Truce.

'Oh, Bill, I am surprised! "My throat was so dry I couldn't 'ardly speak. 'It's my missis, I ses, at last. "'Your missis? ses the skipper. 'Woes she 'iding behind there for? "'She she's shy, I ses. 'Always was, all 'er life. She can't bear other people. She likes to be alone with me. "'Oh, watchman! ses the boy. 'I wonder where you expect to go to?

"It must be a very easy religion," continued the skipper. "I don't make a show of it, if that's what you mean," rejoined the other warmly. "I'm one o' them as believe in 'iding my light under a bushel." "A pint pot'ud do easy," sneered the skipper. "It's more in your line, too." "Anyway, the men reckernise it," said the mate loftily.

Pratt away while 'e was there; besides which I felt quite sartain she wouldn't go. The only 'ope I 'ad was that he'd get tired of spying on me and go away before he found out she was 'iding on the wharf. "I walked off in a unconcerned way not too far and, with one eye on 'im and the other on where Mrs. Pratt was 'iding, went on with my work.