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He heard Wegaruk's voice coming from the dark mouth of the underground icebox dug into the frozen subsoil of the tundra, and pausing at the glimmer of his old housekeeper's candle, he turned aside, descended the few steps, and entered quietly into the big, square chamber eight feet under the surface, where the earth had remained steadfastly frozen for some hundreds of thousands of years.

As before, they waited until he had closed the lower door. "Oh, Ed!" breathed the Countess emotionally. "Anything loose in the house?" asked the professor. "They's a couple bottles beer in the icebox, but Oh, Ed!" Again we chant pregnant phrases from the Bard of Dress: "It is cut to give the wearer the appearance of perfect physical development.

Where's the butter department of this Bon Marche, Edna?" Edna, after another convulsion, declared she didn't know. "No doubt Miss er Mary Jane knows," went on her companion. "Why, yes, of course she does. Right there, behind the oilskin jacket. Remove jacket, open door behold, the icebox and the butter. Neat, compact, and convenient. One pound only, Elizabeth Eliza. Thank you."

Of course, the initial cost of a good electric refrigerator may easily be more than double that of the ordinary icebox, but the cost of operation is very small and food losses are materially cut down.

Enough butter, enough cold meat for dinner, enough milk for a nourishing soup, eggs and salad for luncheon what about potatoes? Lizzie deliberately frustrated this house-wifely ambition. She flounced and muttered when other hands than her own were laid upon her icebox. She turned on rushing faucets, rattled dishes in her pan. Yet Mrs.

Inwardly Jim felt hurt, but he had felt hurt so long from the same cause that the sensation had become chronic, and was borne with a gentle patience. Moreover, there was something which troubled him more and was the reason for his contemplated call on his friend. He evened the coals on the fire with great care, and replenished from the pail in the icebox the cats' saucers.

Third, I want you to leave this place, and never come back so long as God leaves breath in your dirty body. If you do this, I will save you you are not worth the saving from the pen or worse. If you don't, I will make this place so hot for you that hell will seem like an icebox beside it." The little yellow man was cowering in his cell before the attorney's indignation.

Myers's little girl was better; that they were taking their meals at the Clarendon pending the mobilization of their house-servants; that they expected to dine with the Mortimer Trevelyans this evening; that food for the dog may with propriety be brought home from a hotel, but not from the Mortimer Trevelyans; that there was utterly nothing in the icebox for poor Mudge's supper; that Mudge was a chow dog purchased by a friend of Mr.

"Nothing sensational about her," said Sandy to her mother, "but she takes hold! She's got some bleaching preparation of soda or something drying on the sink-board; she took the shelf out of the icebox the instant she opened it, and began to scour it while she talked. She's got a big blue apron on, and she's hung a nice clean white one on the pantry door."

There are mighty few kids in this town; and if you really want my candid opinion, I don't think Durford needs a day-nursery any more than it needs an icebox for cherubim. But then of course that doesn't matter much. When you goin' to begin?" "Next Monday.