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This so preyed upon the Hutchinsons, who had suffered severely, that they packed their now scanty goods upon a raft, and with improvised sails headed for the Dutch settlement of Manhattan. They were kindly received and given title to a tract of land on Long Island, near Hell Gate. There, in a little clearing, on the water's edge, they began to build a house.

It was reasonable enough, however, that Massachusetts should dread a colony of such uneasy spirits, planted at her very doors, enfranchised and heretical to an appalling degree and considered quite as dangerous as so many malefactors, and an uneasy and constant watch was kept. The Hutchinsons had sold their property in Boston and joined Coddington at Pocasset, of which Mr.

"It was all on your account that we asked her," said Doreen, hurt by his indifference. "You took such a fancy to her, and she to you, apparently, at the Hutchinsons' dance, that we thought you'd be delighted. Now, don't you know who it is?" To their great disappointment, both girls saw that he didn't. Mr.

After some interval and shift of position the way was arched overhead with whispering trees, the stars came out one by one, showing faintly between waving branches; and she perceived dimly that a figure that was vaguely compounded of David and Peter and the handsomest of all the young kings of Spain, had quietly taken its place in the bow and had busied itself with the paddles, whereupon she was summoned to dinner, where the ten Hutchinsons and their guests were awaiting her.

As we passed, he would make a full stop in the road, face about, take off his black-and-white straw hat, and bow down to the ground. The first glance in return was always to see whether he was sober. The Hutchinsons must remember him. He was one of the audience, when they held their concert under the sycamores in Mr.

The Hutchinsons' limousine old Grandmother Hutchinson had a motor nowadays was calling for Margaret, and she was to take the two other girls home. David and Jimmie such is the nature of men were disappointed in not being able to take Margaret and Gertrude respectively under their accustomed protection.

One of his ancestors, Mistress Anne Hutchinson, poor woman, had indeed been it was as far back as 1637 an enemy of the Boston Church; but as a family the Hutchinsons appear to have kept themselves singularly free from notoriety or other grave reproach.

This man had probably never been in a place like this before in his life, and he didn't take to it. At the Hutchinsons' door he stopped and explained: "We were going to have an oyster stew here because the Hutchinsons are going away; but Mr. Hutchinson said we could come up." "Very kind of Mr. Hutchinson, I'm sure." Despite his stiffly collected bearing, Mr.

Great as may be the power of critical journals, they cannot strike into non-existence, the recorded and printed sentiments of Brattle, the Hutchinsons, Neal, Watts, Bentley, Eliot, Quincy, and Calef.

Young and indefatigable, she reached every part of Kansas during the summer, driving over the prairies with the Singing Hutchinsons. Olympia Brown's valiant help made waiting in New York easier for Susan as she tried in every way to raise money.