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Then, subtly concealing his purpose, he nodded an ambiguous acceptance. Cards were ordered. A steward fetched them and awaited further commands. Lord Huntingford strangely distrait, it seemed to Hugh, considering the amount at stake, shuffled the pack and offered them for the cut.

"Was no one saved?" they cried breathlessly. "The captain and five or six passengers, I think, were picked up, almost starved, in a boat, some days after the wreck. All others were lost." "Who were the passengers?" asked Hugh, trembling with eagerness. "I don't recall the names." "Was there a Miss Ridge among them?" "Was Lord Huntingford saved?"

Ronnie caught the three o'clock train from town, at Huntingford, as the porter had predicted. No carriage was at the station, so he had a rather long walk from Hollymead to the Grange. It was a clear, crisp evening and freezing hard. He could feel the frost crackle under his feet, as he tramped along the country lanes.

It was a bad bargain and it has wounded more hearts than one. I am not sorry to have told you this. It gives relief to to something I cannot define. You despise me, I am sure " "No, no! How can you say that? You are paying the penalty for your of your " "Say it! Crime." "For your mistake, Lady Huntingford. We all make mistakes.

The captain pointed toward it, removed his cap proudly, and then there arose a mighty cheer from the men on board the man o' war. The Winnetka passed Corregidor Island and dropped anchor in Manila harbor on the morning of June 1st. On the forward deck stood Hugh Ridgeway and Tennys Huntingford. They went ashore with Captain Hildebrand, Ensign Carruthers, the paymaster and several others.

Those fellows look as if they were out for blood." "Perhaps they are at war with some other tribe and not with the white people. My hus Lord Huntingford says they fight among themselves incessantly." "That's it. It is a band of foragers, no doubt. But what are we going to do about it?" Hugh was nonplussed. The brown backs and bobbing heads still stretched before them in almost comical humbleness.

"Lord Huntingford," he said gently. "Oh!" she exclaimed, starting sharply. "Lord Lord Huntingford! Oh, Hugh, I had forgotten I had not thought ," but she did not complete the bewildered speech. He could have believed that she did not breathe during the next few moments as she stood there, straight and rigid, clasping his arm convulsively.

Hugh, feeling like a despised pariah, naturally turned to her in his banishment. She was his friend, his one beacon of light in the dark sea of unhappiness. Others noticed it; but Hugh was blind to the scowl which never left the face of Lord Huntingford in these days.

"I had hoped er I mean, feared that you had been ah sort of forced into it, you know." "Since my marriage I have discovered, however, that there is no fool like the ambitious fool," she went on as if he had not spoken. "Do you understand what I mean?" "That you married for position?" "That I married simply to become Lady Huntingford." "And you did not love him at all?"

If trains aren't late, you hit off the three o'clock at Huntingford." "Thanks," said Ronnie, noting down particulars. Then he walked rapidly back to the hotel. "I can't stand it," he said. "I shall bolt! With me off her hands, she can go and have a jolly Christmas at the Dalmains. She is always welcome there. I must get away alone and think matters out.