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Only Hob, and that was the eldest, hunkered at the doorsill where the blood had rin, fyled his hand wi' it and haddit it up to Heeven in the way o' the auld Border aith. `Hell shall have her ain again this nicht! he raired, and rode forth upon his earrand." It was three miles to Broken Dykes, down hill, and a sore road.

A puff of cold wet wind blew over the parapet, and the sergeant wrinkled his nose disgustedly. "Some odorous," he commented to a mud-caked private hunkered down on his heels on the fire-step with his back against the trench wall. "Does, the Boche run a glue factory or a fertilizer works around here?" "The last about fits it," said the private grimly.

"'T is daft they be, Archie, lad; we'll nae mind their blither." She arose and shambled across to Archie and hunkered her big self down beside him. We went to bed and left them peaceable for once. I am really ashamed of the way I have treated you, but I know you will forgive me.

And he did not question the girl again until all three of them hunkered down at a small mountain spring, to dash icy water over their faces and drink from cupped hands. "Why do you flee your own people, Wolf Daughter?" "My name is Kaydessa," she corrected him. He chuckled with laughter at the prim tone of her voice. "And you see here Tsoay of the People the Apaches while I am Fox."

And after him followed the other natives, each with a lighted torch in hand the torch they hunkered down to plant firmly in some crevice of the rock before taking a stand beside that beacon. The Terrans, less surefooted in the space boots, picked their way along the same path, wet with spray, wrinkling their noses against the lingering puffs of the stench from the water.

Only Hob, and that was the eldest, hunkered at the door-sill where the blood had rin, fyled his hand wi' it, and haddit it up to Heeven in the way o' the auld Border aith. 'Hell shall have her ain again this nicht! he raired, and rode forth upon his earrand." It was three miles to Broken Dykes, down hill, and a sore road.

For Travis was content to scout with only the coyotes for company, and he did not find the loneliness of the unknown planet as intimidating as most of the others. He was checking his small trail pack on the fourth day after they had settled on the plateau when Buck and Jil-Lee hunkered down beside him. "You go to hunt ?" Buck broke the silence first. "Not for meat." "What do you fear?

She moaned without regaining consciousness, her lips seeking reflexively for the life-saving liquid. When she was satisfied Brion gently drew the barbs from her flesh and drank again. The Disan hunkered down on his heels and watched them expressionlessly. Brion handed back the vaede, then held some of the clothes so that Lea was in their shade.

His three small nephews were hunkered on the earth beside him, their grinning faces upturned to his the while he dealt first with this and then with that variety of curious fauna which, he alleged, were to be encountered in the wilds of a strange place called the State of Rhode Island, where, it seemed, he had spent the greater part of an adventurous and crowded youth.

"Is he square?" probed the stranger. "Square as a billiard-ball," said Lanpher. "Why, Jack, he's so crooked he can't lay in bed straight." At which Racey Dawson was moved to rise and declare himself. Then the humour of it struck him. He grinned and hunkered down, his ears on the stretch.