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All night Clem had babbled languidly of many things, of "a hunded thousan' hatchin' aigs," and "a thousan' brillion dollahs," of "Mahstah Jere" and "Little Miss," of a visiting Cousin Peavey whom he had been obliged to "whup" for his repeated misdemeanors; and darkly and often had he whispered, so low I could scarcely hear it, of an enemy that was entering the room with a fell design.

"Nine thousand pounds," instantly offered Bagby. "Five hunded more," rejoined Hennion. "Ten thousand," snapped Joe. "Five hunded more," snarled his rival bidder. "Eleven thousand," came Joe's counter bid. "Thirteen thousand." "And five hundred." "Fifteen thousand." Bagby hesitated, scowling, then said, "Sixteen thousand." "Seventeen." "Seventeen, five."

"Shucks, Abey," broke in Maw, "vot you gotta do vit dat? Vy don't you mind your own business?" "Mind my own business? My own business, you say? Vell, I like to know vot you call my business! Ven I got a contract to pay a girl tirty-five hunded dollars a veek fer her face, and she goes and gits it all wrinkles, I ask any jury, is it my business or ain't it?

"I offered Parmelee Stebbins a tird share in 'De Pride o' Passion' fer a hunded tousand dollars, and de damn fool turned me down, and de picture has made a million and a quarter a'ready." "Well," said I, "he's probably paying for it by sitting up late to buy the city council on this new franchise grab of his; and so he hasn't kept his date to dine with his expensive family at Prince's.

Ain't I shoost offered you five hunded dollars a veek fer dat face, and you vant to go git it smashed? And fer a lot o' lousy bums dat vont vork for honest vages, and vont let nobody else vork! Honest to Gawd, Mr. Carpenter, I tell you some stories about strikes vot we had on our own lot you vouldn't spoil your face for such lousy sons-o'-guns "

I make dat lovely lady a check every veek fer tirty-five hunded dollars, an' I gotta sign it vit my own hand, and I tell you it gives me de cramps to sign so much money all de time, but I do it, and you see all dem rings and ribbons and veils and tings vot she buys vit de money, she looks like a jeweler's shop and a toy-store all rolled into vun goin' valkin' down de street." "Mr.

I make you a contract fer ten years, and I pay you five hunded dollars a veek, vedder you vork or not, and you vouldn't have to vork so much, because I don't catch myself makin' a million dollar feature picture vit gawd amighty and de angels in it for no regular veekly releases.

You can go right in now vit dese strikers maybe you could beat Prince's vit all dat money!" Then, as Carpenter still shook his head: "I give you vun more raise, my friend but dat's de last, you gotta believe me. I pay you fifteen hunded a veek. I aint ever paid so much money to a green actor in my life before, and I don't tink anybody else in de business ever did."

"We'll call it twenty-two thousand," said McClave, "since Mr. Bagby persists. Will you give any more?" "One hunded more," said Hennion; and nobody offering above him, it was knocked down at that price. As the sale was declared completed, Bagby rose. "At least, I made you pay double for it," he growled spitefully to his competitor.