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Wilmet hardly entered into this enormity. She had made a discovery which interested her infinitely more. Little Theodore, hitherto so inanimate, had sat up, listened, looked with a dawning of expression in the eyes that had hitherto been clear and meaningless as blue porcelain, and as the music ceased, his inarticulate hummings continued the same tune.

Hardly did the hearers have time to recover from their amazement, when once more the music changed: at first there were once more light and gentle hummings; a few thin strings complained together, like flies striving to free themselves from the spider’s web.

"Others followed in the same strain of indignant protest against man's cruelty. Even the flies and mosquitoes had something to complain of. "Well, after the buzzing, and the croakings, and the hummings and angry talkings were over, they settled down to business. "Some were appointed to poison the waters so that malarias and fevers should attack the now hated race.

The noyse in it is like that of Bees, in strange hummings, or buzze, mixt of walking, tongues, and feet; it is a kind of still roare, or loud whisper. "I am glad to be able to say, however," she continued, "that before that dreadful period, there was a time when the cathedral was not so dishonored.

But Emile Berliner and Francis Blake finally came to the rescue with an excellent instrument, and the suggestion of an English clergyman, the Reverend Henry Hummings, that carbon granules be used on the diaphragm, made possible the present perfect instrument.

It was the first gun in the battle of Manila Bay, and it neither worked harm nor caused alarm. Again and again in rapid succession came these flashes of light, dull reports, and sinister hummings in the air, before the American fleet gave heed that this signal to heave to had been heard. Then a 4-inch shell was sent from the Concord directly inside of the fortification, where it exploded.

'Look up! look up, I say, and feel small very small indeed! Did Christians raise them, or engrave them from base to point with the wisdom of the ancients? Did Christians build that Museum next to it, or design its statues and its frescoes now, alas! re-echoing no more to the hummings of the Attic bee?

She confused the noise of their footsteps with the hummings in her ears and the voices which she imagined she heard coming from the walls. One day, when she had put a plaice into the pantry, she was frightened on seeing it covered with flame; she became worse than ever after that, and ended by believing that they had cast a spell over her.

The swain that artless sings on yonder rock, His nibbling sheep and lengthening shadow spies; Pleased with the cool, the calm, refreshful hour, And the hoarse hummings of unnumber'd flies. But these pretty stanzas are interrupted by the mention of Phoebus, the Dryads, old Sylvan, and Pan.

At the moment we touched the body there arose from its surface the loud sound of humming the sound of several hummings which passed with a vast commotion as of winged things in the air about us and disappeared upwards into the sky, growing fainter and fainter till they finally ceased in the distance. It was exactly as though we had disturbed some living yet invisible creatures at work.