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I didn't even think it was worth while to save the pieces; and I put my least one's clothes on her for some kind of a covering. "It was her concert dress," said the woman, regarding aunt Corinne's pantalets with some contempt. "I suppose I hought to thank you, but since she was hinticed away, I can't.

"Four hundred miles to the heast'ard of Georges we were this noon, and we've made nothink to speak of since, Sir. This last tack has lost us all we made before. I hought to know where we are. I've drifted 'ere without even a 'en-coop hunder me.

"Of coze," said Aurora, with a pensive respiration, "I thing id is doze climade," and the apothecary stopped, as a man should who finds himself unloading large philosophy in a little parlor. "I thing, me, dey hought to pud doze quadroon' free?" It was Clotilde who spoke, ending with the rising inflection to indicate the tentative character of this daringly premature declaration.

"Says Mac to him, 'What do you call that creature? "'Moose, said he. "'Do you pretend to tell me, said Mac, 'that that henormous hanimal, with orns like a deer, is a moose? "'I don't pretend at all, said he; 'I think I hought to know one when I see it, for I have killed the matter of a undred of them in my day. "'It's a daumed lee, said the sergeant.

"You hought to 'ave a mo' larger sto' an' some clerque," pursued Aurora. The apothecary answered that he was contemplating the enlargement of his present place or removal to a roomier, and that he had already employed an assistant. "Oo it is, 'Sieur Frowenfel'?" Clotilde turned toward the questioner a remonstrative glance.

"It may be a funny way to get married; but everything's all right until it stops being all right, and and I like it here." She had been married a week now, and the week had been the fairest of fair weather, indoors as well as out. Now she sat at the clumsy old secretary desk to write a letter to Miss Tolman. ... For all you said, and hought I was crazy, I am just as happy as I can be.

The deuce, they will!” replied Mr Beveridge, cordially; “and it’s rather hard to forget ’em, eh?” “Hindeed it is, sir.” “I remembered this afternoon, but I should like you as a good chap to forget. You won’t mention my moment of weakness, Moggridge?” “No, sir,” said Moggridge, stoutly. “I suppose I hought to report what I sees, but I won’t this time.”

He was averse, says Mrs Orr, "to every hought of change," and chose rather to adapt himself to external conditions than to enter on the effort of altering them; "what he had done once he was wont, for that very reason, to continue doing."

But he found Bird still alone in the next room when he returned to it. "Well, now, we go to supper as soon as Father Étienne comes. He is our curate our minister here. And he eats with me when he heat anywhere. I tell 'im 'e hought to have my appetite, if he wants to keep up his spiritual strength. The body is the foundation of the soul, no?

'Arry, my lad, yer half out o' yer mind. Master Colin be the only yin o' ye that keeps his seven senses about him. Suppose, all av ye, that the big chief was dead, an' that his son was not alive, and that the other nager was a ristin' quietly wid his black heels turned from the place where the daisies hought to grow, what should we do thin? We 'ave neither chart nor compass.