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Fm West End Avenue and Swo Swope's. Gee! I'm hot's flitter." "Keep y' coat on when you're all of a prespiration, that way. How'd it ketch?" "Ount know. 'S comin' by there an' I whoof! I smelt smoke and Gosh! I'm all out o' breath an' I looked an' I je-e-est could see a light wisht I had a drink o' somepin' to rench mum mouth out. Whew! Oh, laws!

"No, I offered to send Jimmy for a doctor, but she said she only wanted to rest, but I tell you what, Theo, she ain't goin' to get much rest in that room, hot's an oven with the constant cooking, an' what's more that baby can't stand it neither." "I'll go an' see her," replied the boy, slowly, "an' I guess I don't want any supper to-night, Mrs. Hunt." "Yes, you do want supper, too, Theodore.

After a brief absence the skipper returned and reported. "Pooty sizable room. Dark's a pocket 'n' hot's a footstove. Three or four Injuns talkin' 'n' smokin'. Scrap 'f a fire smoulder'in a kind 'f standee fireplace without any top." "That's the sacred fire," said Aunt Maria. "How many old men were watching it?" "Didn't see any." "They must have been there. Did you put the fire out?"

"It ain't a Fift' Avenoo mansion," he grinned, "but I reckon it'll hev ter do." Then he switched on Roy. "You boy," he growled, "you kin hev thet other shack. If you want ter wash up thar's a bucket. We've hot and cold water in these diggin's, too, so take yer choice. Hot's above, cold's below. An' one thing. You ain't goin' ter be closely watched. It ain't needful.