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Hume brought the flitter over in one last sweep. "That's it. We have a full taping." "What do you think it is?" "A device set there by an intelligent being, and set a long time ago. This valley wasn't arranged over night, six months ago or even a year ago. We'll have to let the experts tell us when and for what reason. Now, let's head for home!"

A hundred years from now perhaps or a thousand but not yet. And remembering what had summoned the flitter winging toward him, Raf drew a deep breath. What would the men of Astra accomplish in a hundred years? What could those of Terra do to match them in knowledge? It was a challenge, and he alone knew just how much of a challenge. Homeport must remain his own secret.

But the flitter can, with luck." They both looked at Kieran. "He's the important one," Webber said. "If a couple of us could get him through " "No," said Paula. "We couldn't. As soon as they caught the ship and found the flitter gone, they'd be after him." "Not to Sako," said Webber. "They'd never figure that we'd take him to Sako." "Do I have a word in this?" asked Kieran, between his teeth.

But though they hung for moments, nothing moved into that open. "Wrong scent somehow." Hume brought the flitter around. He had it on manual control now, keeping it answering to the quick changes of his will. A longer sweep supplied the answer a vegetation roofed slit running back into the uplands, in a way resembling the crevice through which they had originally found their way into this country.

So they gave those the same names. A Khatkan lion is furred, it is a hunter and a great fighter, but it is not the cat of Terra. However, it is in great demand as a tri-dee actor. So we summon it out of lurking by providing free meals. One shoots a poli, a water rat, or a landeer and drags the carcass behind a low-flying flitter.

With the red streaks of dawn Captain Mayhall Wells was pacing up and down in front of Flitter Bill's store, a gaping crowd about him, and the shattered remnants of the army drawn up along Roaring Fork in the rear. An hour later Flitter Bill rode calmly in. "I stayed all night down the valley," said Flitter Bill. "Uncle Jim Richmond was sick. I hear you had some trouble last night, Captain Wells."

When they had reached the roof top where the Terrans had landed their flitter, they had come with empty hands, making gestures of good will and welcome.

He was about to slap Mayhall on the shoulder and call him "pardner," when Flitter Bill coughed, and Mayhall lifted his chin. "Captain Wells?" said Bill. "Captain Wells," repeated Mayhall with a stiff salutation, and the messenger from over Black Mountain fell back with an apologetic laugh.

The backlash of that blast must have caught the majority of the lights also. For when Rynch and Hume cautiously sat up, they saw only a handful of widely scattered and dulling globes below. They choked, coughed, rubbed watering eyes as the fumes from the scorched rocks wreathed up about their perch. "Flitter with life line above you!"

The worst of it is that a water supply in a dry country is just where hunters congregate. That lake's entirely walled in by woodland and provides cover for a thousand ambushes." "We might find a way out before our water bulbs fail," Vye offered. Hume did not answer directly. "A man can live for quite a while on very thin rations, and we have tablets from the flitter emergency supplies.