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Previous to his engagement by Harry he had, it seems, been valet to a man named Mitchell, a horse-trainer of rather shady repute." "Where is he now?" "I really don't know, but I can easily find out I gave orders that he was not to be lost sight of." And, scribbling a hasty memorandum, he pressed the electric button upon the arm of his chair.

"Ah, it is nice of you to remember me," he answered. "I see you every day often," she answered. "Of course, we are neighbours," he responded. "The man the horse-trainer is quite well again?" "He has gone home almost well," she answered. She placed pens, paper, and ink before him. "Will these do?" "Perfectly," he answered mechanically, and laid a few pens and a bottle of ink beside the paper.

"Since you live near here, you must know the Whitmores. Miss Whitmore came out here, two or three years ago, and married her brother's coachman, I believe though I've heard conflicting stories about it; some have said he was an artist, and others that he was a jockey, or horse-trainer.

"I didn't want you there! And I don't pretend to be a horse-trainer, Mr. Bennett. There's several things about your old ranch life that I don't know and don't want to know! I'm going back to Ohio to-morrow, so there!" "Yes?"

He suggested that Frederick and Schmidt drive down in it to the railroad station, where Schmidt was to get the train back to Meriden. The two men squeezed in beside the Austrian horse-trainer, valet, or whatever Ritter's coachman was. The trotter went off at a swift gait, and again the wild, noisy phantasmagoria of the streets of the new Babylon went flashing by Frederick's eyes.

She had many suitors, but she finally married a handsome English horse-trainer, who called himself Wade Farrongate, though that was not his real name. For some reason not then apparent, this man at once became the enemy of Louis Belgrave; and the war between them raged for several years, though the young man did all he could to conciliate his stepfather.

She put her arm round the dog's neck, and said to the crowd, "Some one come only one ah, yes, you, Monsieur!" she added, as Charley, who had just arrived on the scene, came forward. "Only you, if you can lift him. Take him to my house." Her arm still round the dog, she talked to him, as Charley came forward, and, lifting up the body of the little horse-trainer, drew him across his shoulder.

That's Alan the cooper's pipes," was the cry, and before long, sure enough there appeared Alphonse le Roque driving his French-Canadian team, the joy and pride of his heart, for Alphonse was a born horse-trainer, and had taught his French-Canadians many extraordinary tricks.

I was about well, and had been sitting up for a few days, when my horse-trainer, and a friend of mine by the name of George Leonard, called to see me; and as I was feeling so much better, they wanted me to go out to the track and time one of my pacing horses with a running mate. So I muffled myself up in a big overcoat and went out.

My mother said she thought I had done splendidly "for a married man." Mr. Keefer said "It did beat the d l!" Soon after my arrival home I received a letter from a horse-trainer then located at Springfield, Ohio, saying I had been recommended to him as a splendid horse-back rider, a general "hus'ler" in business, and possibly a good advertiser.