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"Well," he remarked, contemptuously, drawing Zoë closer and holding her with a tender solicitude "well, what of it?" His insolence enraged Hoolagaloo. "H hwat of eet! Santa Maria! Da scound! Ha, ha! Da gal no marry you now!" Sampey deliberately moved Zoë so that he might reach his watch, and after looking calmly at it a moment he said: "Muggie and I have been married just thirty hours."

The circumstances leading up to his employment in the Great Oriental Dime Museum as the "Marvellous Tuft-nosed Wild Man, Hoolagaloo, captured on the Island of Milo, in the Ægean Sea, after a desperate struggle," were these: He had been a wood-chopper, possessed of prodigious strength and a violent temper. One day he and a companion in the mountains fell out and fought.

Her sweetness of manner and voice and the plumpness of her rounded arms and shoulders were what had won Sampey's heart and made him all the more zealous in his useful occupation of devising the names which Castellani bestowed on his freaks. Hoolagaloo had suffered a turning of the head by his good fortune. He imagined that because he was monstrous he was great.

Within appeared a number of curious, small, cup-shaped trinkets of opaque white glass, each marked in the centre with an annular band of color surrounding a centre of clear glass, the range of colors being great, and the trinkets arranged in pairs according to color. There were also a vial labelled "cocaine" and a small camel's-hair brush. "You looka me," resumed Hoolagaloo, greatly excited.