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'Understanding! such a coarse word! But my lady will have to come down to many a want of refinement. I have reason to believe Mr Hoggins sups on bread-and-cheese and beer every night. "Marry!" said Miss Matty once again. "Well! I never thought of it. Two people that we know going to be married. It's coming very near!"

Mrs Jamieson soothed the turbulence of her soul by having the blinds of her windows drawn down, as if for a funeral, on the day when Mr and Mrs Hoggins received callers; and it was with some difficulty that she was prevailed upon to continue the St James's Chronicle, so indignant was she with its having inserted the announcement of the marriage. Miss Matty's sale went off famously.

This morning at four o'clock, in answer to a telephone call, Detective-Sergeant Miller, accompanied by another officer, went to 84, Cavendish Mansions, a flat occupied by Mrs. Meredith, and there found and took into custody Dr. Algernon Thun, who had escaped from Norwood Asylum. In the room was also found a man named Hoggins, a person well known to the police.

Lady Glenmire is to marry is to be married, I mean Lady Glenmire Mr Hoggins Mr Hoggins is going to marry Lady Glenmire!" "Marry!" said we. "Marry! Madness!" "Marry!" said Miss Pole, with the decision that belonged to her character.

"Our servants' All was in a rage Scrip, stock, curves, gradients, bull and bear, Vith butler, coachman, groom and page, Vas all the talk in Buckley Square. But O! imagine vot I felt Last Vensday veek as ever were; I gits a letter, which I spelt 'Miss M. A. Hoggins, Buckley Square.

His replies were very incoherent in answer to the queries of our reporter; and, had not that gentleman himself been a compatriot, it is probable he would have refused altogether to satisfy the curiosity of the public. "At Madame Crinoline's, Miss Hoggins quitted the carriage, and A GENTLEMAN entered it. How he employed his time subsequently we have stated.

"Don't you remember poor dear Captain Brown's song 'Tibbie Fowler, and the line 'Set her on the Tintock tap, The wind will blaw a man till her." "That was because 'Tibbie Fowler' was rich, I think." "Well! there was a kind of attraction about Lady Glenmire that I, for one, should be ashamed to have." I put in my wonder. "But how can she have fancied Mr Hoggins?

Mr Hoggins looked broad and radiant, and creaked up the middle aisle at church in a brand-new pair of top-boots an audible, as well as visible, sign of his purposed change of state; for the tradition went, that the boots he had worn till now were the identical pair in which he first set out on his rounds in Cranford twenty-five years ago; only they had been new-pieced, high and low, top and bottom, heel and sole, black leather and brown leather, more times than any one could tell.

At that period he had offered marriage to Mary Ann Hoggins, who was living in the quality of ladies'-maid in the family where Mr. De la P. was employed. Miss Hoggins became subsequently lady's-maid to Lady Angelina the elopement was arranged between those two. It was Miss Hoggins who delivered the note which informed the bereaved Mr. Plush of his loss.

But what was our surprise our dismay when we learnt that Mr and MRS HOGGINS were returning on the following Tuesday! Mrs Hoggins! Had she absolutely dropped her title, and so, in a spirit of bravado, cut the aristocracy to become a Hoggins! She, who might have been called Lady Glenmire to her dying day! Mrs Jamieson was pleased.