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"Look here, mister, I expect you've a plenty of matters to look after and attend to, so don't you worry about showin' me round this here hisland of yourn; you just go on with what you've got in hand, and I'll take a stroll somewheres by myself." So that was it. He wanted an opportunity to go off upon an exploring expedition unrestrained by Dick's presence!

It ain't safe to be on the same hisland with the brute." "He will not interfere with you, or molest you in any way if you give him a wide berth," I retorted. "As to giving you the weapons you demand, I won't do it, so that's flat." "You won't, eh?" returned the Finn, glowering at me savagely.

Leslie took his time paddling ashore, and when at length the pair landed on the beach the sun had passed the meridian. "Now, Captain," said Dick, "where would you like to go in the first place?" Turnbull stood and looked about him admiringly. "Why," he exclaimed, "this here hisland is a real beautiful place, and no mistake.

My gal's a bloomin' foreigner by this time and she'll sell the bleedin' farm, of course. She's an h'American, God bless 'er 'eart. I daresay if I'd go to 'er and say I'd like my farm back again she'd want to fork hover, but 'er bloody 'usband wouldn't be for that sort of hextravagance. 'E'd boot me off the hisland." "The United States isn't an island, Tazzy," explained Mr.

They seems to think that Turnbull who thinks 'isself a mighty clever chap, but ain't nothin' of the sort 'aven't been able to hinvent an excuse to get away from you, and that you've been goin' about with 'im all day, showin' 'im round the hisland and such-like; and that 'e's stayin' ashore to-night 'opin' to be able to give you the slip early in the mornin' and get off by 'isself to 'ave a look for 'is treasure-cave.

"That same a'ternoon, while I was for'ard in the galley, Slushy who was in 'igh spirits tells me as 'ow Turnbull 'ave got 'old of a yarn about a lot of buried treasure on a hisland somewhere, in the Pacific, and that we was bound there to get it; and that when we'd got it, Turnbull and them as 'ad stood in with 'im 'd be as rich as princes and wouldn't need to do another stroke of work for the rest of their naturals, but just 'ave a good time, with as much booze as they cared to swaller.

'As I was rowing on the lake this morning, sir, I 'appened to see a boat 'itched up to a tree on the hisland. I think that possibly Miss Elsa and Mr Barstowe might 'ave taken a row out there. Mr Barstowe would wish to see the hisland, sir, bein' romantic. 'But you say you saw the boat there this morning? 'Yes, sir. 'Well, it doesn't take all day to explore a small island.

They soon joined us, the captain delighted at being able to say that a large rat seemed our only wild beast while Smart grumbled, and said he "did not think there was a beere on the hisland." They had done as they promised, and not left a part of the island unvisited.

"And then to think she could like such a 'ole of an hisland, where no one could see how she 'ad hattired her Mistress, and to give such a 'eathen place a name too, was more than she could bear."

And I reckon that this 'ere's the hisland where Turnbull thinks 'e'll find 'is treasure." "No doubt," agreed Leslie. "Well, what do you want me to do?" "Well, sir, it ain't for the likes of me to say just exactly what you ought to do," answered Reynolds. "I thought that maybe if I spinned you the whole yarn you'd be able to think out some way of 'elpin' of us.