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"But selling shares in a nonexistent mine with intent to defraud is quite a different matter," the agent said. "We've been collecting evidence for a few days, including some from clients of yours who were interested in knowing the field had been salted. And we've picked up Collins and Hilleboe." The Frostola man sighed. "Well, it was good while it lasted.

Of course he met Collins through Hilleboe." "Does the Frostola company know he exists?" "Sure. He wouldn't slip on a detail like that. He got the job without difficulty, since the route was vacant. If it hadn't been vacant, he'd have worked out some other kind of cover."

Carleton Hilleboe is the eldest son. He's in a business of some kind in Washington. He either controls or owns the property, I'm not sure which." "Including the upland cornfield above the mine?" Rick asked. "Yes, and all the property to the east of ours for a mile or two." "Could he be the mysterious buyer Collins is acting for?" Rick asked.

If Collins and Hilleboe had put in the new pipe, they may have driven it into the hill as Dr. Miller had said, but they had most certainly connected it with the vertical pipe inside the tunnel. "Likely," Belsely agreed. "One more thing. We got a daylight ghost today. Saw him arrive by car about half an hour ago. He went up to the cornfield with a suitcase of some kind. Thought you'd like to know."

Miller's property, and the fact that Hilleboe owned only part of the mine! That's the reason for the ghosts that walked by night. It has to be! The swindlers would tell their clients only part of the land was available and they needed funds to buy the rest of it but the inspection had to be held by night to keep the owner from suspecting he had a uranium mine on his property."

Probably I shouldn't have done it, but I sneaked a quick look at the name. Can you imagine what it is?" "Jethro Collins?" "Nope. It's Hilleboe. Dr. Miller's next-door neighbor!" The Cold, Cold Clue The boys were late to breakfast the following morning. They had fallen into bed, pleased and exhausted, and the noise of the household stirring had failed to waken them. Mrs.

That spring pipe has been there since Hector was a pup, and no one ever wondered about why it went in the hill sideways until you came along! Of course Collins must have known him and Hilleboe, because they were the ones who replaced the pipe a few years back." Rick remembered that Dr. Miller had spoken of the pipe being replaced.

That was what Barby had meant, Rick thought. He asked, "Is this a public park of some kind?" "No indeed," Dr. Miller answered. "We own part of it, and a family named Hilleboe owns part. But it's not used for anything and we've never objected to the public using it. The local Boy Scout troops have taken on the job of keeping it clean as a regular project, and most people are careful.

"Delighted," Bennett said. "But you'll find Taylor much more of an expert than I. See you later, boys, I'm sure." They watched as the AEC man drove off. "I'm pretty sure we have the answers," Rick said happily. "Hilleboe probably is the boss, since he owns the property, but Collins is in on it to some extent because he knew about the upper mine tunnel, and acted as agent for Hilleboe.

The two girls came into the kitchen in time to hear the question, and Rick almost hated to give the answer, knowing that it would disillusion them, and particularly Barby. "We trailed three ghosts," he said. "All human." Scotty added, "And one of them was named Carleton Hilleboe. At least that was the name on the registration of their car." They told the story in detail while Mrs.