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"Hillbilly is right in contrast to a cultured gentleman of cities. But let me correct you. You may not know it, but I do. And you need one now." He turned once more to Sindy. "And see what you can do about this gentleman's clothes, too; if he's got any clean underwear or any other togs, load 'em out." "Anything else?" Harold asked sarcastically. "Several things. Have you got any kind of a razor?"

"Might I inquire as to your name?" questioned Tweaty, rather timidly. "Why yes," came the simple reply. "My name is Richard Marquard. Please, just call me Rube." "Sounds like a backwoodsy hillbilly name to me," said Elephant, intending his words to sound like friendly teasing. "Ha ha!" laughed Rube, equally friendly.

I called the transportation section at the Pentagon to get a staff car but it took me only seconds to find out that the regulations said no staff cars except for senior colonels or generals. Colonel Bower tried same thing. General Samford and General Garland were gone, so I couldn't get them to try to pressure a staff car out of the hillbilly who was dispatching vehicles.

The first thing on the program is a bath." Harold flushed: the red glow was evident even through the sooty accumulation on his face. "It seems to me you're going a little outside your authority as Miss Tremont's representative. I don't know that I need to have any hillbilly tell me when I need a bath." "Yes?" Bill's eyes twinkled for the first time during their talk.

Go back to what you were doing before. I can get you private lessons. It is Seoul. There is gold in them there hills." Sang Huin laughed. He felt at home within this American Hillbilly colloquialism. "All right," he said; and so this was what they did. They stayed together that night and then looked for an apartment the next morning.

Everyone had a little sideline, a gimmick, to put one over on whoever was gullible enough to swallow it. Why should he assume a hillbilly family from way out in Oregon was any different? This was probably Bill MacDonald's little racket and it was just Philon's bad luck to stumble on it.