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It comes in pretty handy to harden those big guns that you hear shooting over in France." "Oh, tungsten," muttered Charley, blinking wisely at the rock while everyone else grabbed a sample. "Er what do you say they use it for?" "Why, to harden high-speed steel for guns and turning-tools haven't you read all about it in the papers?"

It also points up the fact that our investigation and analysis were thorough and that when we finally stamped a report "Unknown" it was unknown. We weren't infallible but we didn't often let a clue slip by. At exactly ten forty-five on the morning of August 1, 1952, an ADC radar near Bellefontaine, Ohio, picked up a high-speed unidentified target moving southwest, just north of Dayton.

"You're not wearing the new-model tickler I sent you," he said accusingly. "I never got it," Gusterson assured him. "Postmen deliver topside mail and parcels by throwing them on the high-speed garbage boosts and hoping a tornado will blow them to the right addresses." Then he added helpfully, "Maybe the Russians stole it while it was riding the whirlwinds."

Under normal conditions it is not necessary to create a high vacuum to suck the gas into the cylinder, but it is as well to understand what results we would tend to produce, did we work on these lines. Of course, with small high-speed engines fitted with suction air valve, the vacuum is higher than it would be in slow-speed engines with mechanically operated valves.

Daimler, from 1882 onward, devoted his attention to the perfecting of the small, high-speed petrol engine for motor-car work, and owing to his efforts, together with those of other pioneer engine-builders, the motorcar was made a success.

The radio contact between the men outside had been limited to a few millimicrowatts of power necessarily, since radio waves of very small wattage can be decoded at tremendous distances in open space. The men inside the planetoid certainly should not have been able to pick up any more than the beginning of the conversation, before it had been cut off by solid rock. It was a high-speed air lock.

It is an extraordinary and lamentable fact that Great Britain, which claims to be the foremost naval power in the world, has always been behind the times in the matter of torpedo boats. The official trial of this boat was recently made in the Lower Hope in rough weather. The following is a copy of the official record of the six runs on the measured mile: SOME RECENT HIGH-SPEED TWIN SCREWS.

And the engine! Gracious! Such a boat would never stand the vibration of a four-horse, high-speed engine driving a fourteen-inch screw! It appeared plainly that we were almost criminally wrong in all our calculations. Shamefacedly we continued to drive nails into the impossible hull, knowing full well poor misguided heroes that we were only fashioning a death trap!

The high-speed aerenoids, owing to their build, being better adapted to withstand the atmospheric conditions at a great altitude, can ascend several thousand feet, but all are limited to what is considered a safe height for the class to which they belong.

A high-speed gyro could only be run for minutes in one single direction if its mount were fixed. If a precisely mounted gyro had its shaft pointed at the sun, for example, while it ran, its axis would try to follow the sun. It would try not to turn with the earth, and it would wreck itself.