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If Fortune had been so kind to him as to give him her heart, poor as his claim might be, she could have no right to refuse him the assurance of her love. And though his rival were an angel, he could have no shadow of a claim upon her, seeing that he had failed to win her heart. It was very well said, at least so Hetta thought, and she made no attempt at argument against him.

Beckard be gone off to Utica, just man-and-wife like! and so they are, more power to them." "Oh indeed; I'm very glad," said Aaron and so he was; very glad to have Hetta the demure out of the way. And then he made his way into the parlour, doubting much, and hoping much. Mrs. Bell rose from her chair, and tried to look grave. Aaron glancing round the room saw that Susan was not there.

You believe that there is nobody on earth like Paul Montague. Hetta blushed, but said nothing. She was not yet in a condition to boast of her lover before her brother, but she did, in very truth, believe that but few young men were as true-hearted as Paul Montague. 'I suppose you'd be surprised to hear that Master Paul is engaged to marry an American widow living at Islington.

It could hardly be worth his while to maintain a quarrel with the man if he were once able to assure Hetta that she, as the wife of another man, should still be dear to him as a friend might be dear. He was well aware that such assurance, such forgiveness, must contain very much.

He was sore all over, and it was Paul Montague who made him sore. Had there been no such man at Carbury when Hetta came there, Hetta might now have been mistress of the house. He sat there till the servant came to tell him that his dinner was on the table. Then he crept in and ate, so that the man might not see his sorrow; and, after dinner, he sat with a book in his hand seeming to read.

She was simply anxious to get a husband for her daughter, as she had been anxious to get a wife for her son, in order that her child might live comfortably. But she felt that whenever she spoke common sense to Hetta, her daughter took it as an offence, and flew into tantrums, being altogether unable to accommodate herself to the hard truths of the world.

Who could feel so much interest in doing this as Roger, or who be so closely acquainted with all the circumstances of Montague's life? 'You know, she said, 'what my wishes are about Hetta, and how utterly opposed I am to Mr Montague's interference.

But he spoke much of the land and of the tenants and the labourers, of his own farm, of the amount of the income, and of the necessity of so living that the income might always be more than sufficient for the wants of the household. When the spring came round, Hetta and Paul were married by the Bishop at the parish church of Carbury, and Roger Carbury gave away the bride.

She wished it could have been otherwise that she might have been allowed to hear it all herself as she was sure that the story coming through her mother would not savour so completely of unalloyed truth as if told to her by her cousin Roger. 'Hetta can be trusted to judge for herself, he said. 'How can you say that when she has just accepted this young man?

He had said already more than he had intended to say to Hetta Carbury; and though he was by no means disposed to flatter himself, yet he almost thought that what he had said had been well received. At the moment they had been disturbed, but she, as she heard the sound of her mother coming, had at any rate expressed no anger. He had almost been betrayed into breaking a promise.