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As regards the Pahlavi idiom, of the people of the country of Ahwaz are the best. And as regards the chantings of the HERBEDS and the songs of the MOBEDS the superiority in this respect lies with the annotators of the Zemzema.

And it is said that he built in Fars a city called Fasa and he built fire-temples in India, etc., and appointed herbeds to the same. He assigned several dignities to seven of his noblemen in his dominions and appointed each of them to the charge of a district.

And as regards Zaradasht it is said that the majority of Moslems believed in his prophetship.... Each of the herbeds had a volume which was individual and separate. In it was associated none of the other herbeds and no outsider had any concern with it.

Before this time it was not taught anywhere except Istakhar and it was not proper for anyone to engage in its study except a special class of people. And of the books which remained after the conflagration by Alexander there were 23 volumes and there were appointed 23 herbeds, one herbed for each volume. And no herbed transgressed upon the volume of another.

And the said Writing was inscribed on 12,000 cow hides and they were embellished with gold, and Bishtasp deposited the same in a place in Istakhar called Darbesht and he appointed herbeds in that connection.

The Mobeds and the Herbeds, learned in the science of religion, commented in their turn on this commentary and their work was called the Barideh, and, by others, the Akradeh. After he had conquered the Persian Empire and put to death Dara son of Dara, Alexander burnt them....