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They pulled the boat through monster seas, and the brute was cursin' at the women aal the way until they gat alangside, when the captain said, 'Ma ship's sinkin'. The crew were telled to jump into the boat smart, and as syen as the captain said, 'We're aal heor, Jimmy sprang aboard like a cat, cast the boat adrift, shooted to his wife, 'She's mine!

The women gat aboard, and asked Jimmy if he had seen a dog. He said, 'There's nee dog heor; the ship's wors, and they say he fand the dog on the floor and that he put it ower-board. Now, there's a born convict for ye!

And becoming impatient, he began to curse at his supposed friend for advising him to put his head in a rabbit-hole, vigorously announcing that he wished his head was there instead of his own. "Aa cud hae run if ye hadn't persuaded me t' hide heor." "Hae patience!" responded the voice from without. "Patience be d !" said he; "Aa wish aa had them Government men heor.

A husky voice from within answered in broad Northumbrian accent: "Thor's neebody heor!" "Then by Gox," said the excited mate, "Ye'ar the beggar I've been luckin' for these last few neights!" The slumberer was the person who ought to have been pacing the deck.

"Aa thowt it was Jack Dent aa was taakin' tee. He cum heor wiv us." "Where is he now?" inquired the officer. "Hoo am aa t' knaa?" said Jimmy; "but the Lord help him when aa dee cum across him. He's betrayed me. Nivvor more will aa put me heed in a rabbit-hole!"