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He turned then to the emissary of the Kaiser. "Count von Hemelstein, as I intend to keep you in that position for some little time unless you will allow me to remove your arms not your sword," he explained quickly on seeing the look of horror that came over the Prussian's face.

The officer who had delivered these papers was apparently waiting for his answer and stood very erect, looking straight ahead of him. He did not change his position or notice Edestone as he entered the room. "Good-morning, Count von Hemelstein," said Edestone on seeing who it was, and the soldier then condescended to acknowledge the greeting with a slight bow.

"I am sorry, Count von Hemelstein," said the inventor, "to have offended you, and I beg that you will accept my most humble apology. We Americans, I fear, are too much inclined to let our sense of humour run away with us."

I have given you my card, and I will take great pleasure in introducing you at the clubs or helping you in any way so long as it is consistent with my duty." "You are extremely kind, and I appreciate it very much, Count von Hemelstein."

Then when Americans came over to Kiel in their big yachts, you could tell the Emperor which were the real cowboy families and which were the Knickerbocker noblemen." "Well, that is exactly what I was thinking about you, Count von Hemelstein," Edestone chuckled.

Von Hemelstein started and laid his hand indignantly to the hilt of his sword. His instructions to bring Edestone safely to Berlin alone prevented him from punishing then and there such insult to his country and his Emperor. "My orders prevent me from killing you!" he said hoarsely, as he straightened up and, drawing his heels together with a click, turned and stalked away.

The Secretary leaned forward, and putting both hands flat on the table while looking straight at Count von Hemelstein, said in a rather judicial tone, as though delivering an opinion from the bench: "Mr. Edestone, Count von Hemelstein has just delivered to me an order for your arrest on the charge of giving assistance to the enemies of Germany.

With a quick side step, however, Edestone threw himself between him and the only exit from the room, and giving the fugitive a good poke in the stomach with the muzzle of his gun, said: "I allowed you to do that to show you that you are absolutely in my power. Sit down, Count von Hemelstein, and if you will give me your word of honour that you will not move I shall not tie you.

"Count von Hemelstein," he said lazily, when finally the Prussian had put down his paper, and was sitting glaring in front of him, "I was just thinking what a stunning book-cover you would make for a cheap novel, or how many thousands of bottles of beer your picture would sell in Hoboken.

The proprietor, waiters, and even the bell-boys treated him with poorly concealed contempt, and though he spoke to them in perfect German, would always answer in English, as if to show him that they knew he was of that despised race. Count von Hemelstein left him with the understanding that he would call for him in the morning and conduct him to General von Lichtenstein.