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Then, he raised his other hand, shook his finger, and in awe-inspiring tone continued: "Yes, I be sure die chicken do dat, but vot for you tell grandma dat Heinrick do dat? Der debil makes peoples tell lies, and den he ketch sie for his fire, und he vill ketch you, if you do dat some more. Gott, who you mutter telled you 'bout, will not love you. I will not love you, if you do dat some more.

"I will tell you, Heinrick," said Hayraddin, "if I could have known my brother was such a fool as to tell the counsel of King Louis to Duke Charles of Burgundy, I could have foretold his death as sure as I can foretell fair weather in July.

"No matter for that, honest Heinrick, some men have pleasure in cutting throats, some in keeping them whole. So swear to me, that you will spare him life and limb, or by the bright star Aldebaran, this matter shall go no farther. Swear, and by the Three Kings, as you call them, of Cologne I know you care for no other oath." "Not yet," said the Bohemian.

Whenever be broke a pushcart man's head or shot a member of the Heinrick B. Sweeney Outing and Literary Association in the kneecap, an officer would drop around and say: "The Cap'n 'd like to see ye a few minutes round to the office whin ye have time, Dempsey, me boy."

He took a leading part in our local elections in Liverpool from the time we began to fight them on Home Rule principles when the necessity arose, as I have elsewhere explained, to have public men who were not afraid to identify themselves with the national cause. Hugh Heinrick, our editor, was a brilliant writer, who had, for several years, been a strenuous worker in the Home Rule cause.

Father O'Laverty, Michael Davitt, Daniel Crilly, T.D. Sullivan, Timothy McSweeney, Hugh Heinrick, William J. Ryan, Francis Fahy, William P. Ryan, Alfred Perceval Graves, Michael O'Mahony, John J. Sheehan, Thomas Boyd, Thomas Flannery, John Hand, James Lysaght Finigan, and other well-known writers on Irish subjects.