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I also heard an English doctor say he would be glad of a move, as the base was full of P.U.O. and O.B.E.'s." After breakfast the colonel and myself passed through the battered relics of Heilly on our way to the batteries.

It was with a rush that their first cases came, and the M.O.'s whistled and said, "Ye gods! how many more?" Many more. The tide did not slacken. It became a spate brought down by waves of ambulances. Three thousand wounded came to Daours on the Somme, three thousand to Corbie, thousands to Dernancourt, Heilly, Puchevillers, Toutencourt, and many other "clearing stations."

On the evening of August 3, an evening with a sinister lowering sky, we settled in our newest headquarters: wooden huts, perched on the long steep slope of a quarry just outside the crumbling ruins of Heilly, celebrated in the war annals of 1916 for an officers' tea-rooms, where three pretty daughters of the house acted as waitresses. Excitement was in the air.

Perhaps after the war is ended, when it is too late, some one may invent a motor ambulance on easy springs that will not multiply unnecessarily the pain of torn flesh and the grating edges of bones. Now comes the night in the casualty clearing-station at Heilly. Straight on to another operating-table, but one in a sea of many ten operations going on at once.

The beautiful Mlle. de Heilly the Duchesse d'Etampes whose influence over Francis I. was pre-eminent, while her character was totally unlike that of his sister, was described as "the fairest among the learned, and the most learned among the fair."