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"Because I see you start away to-night," replied Nicolas, "an' I see that you go alone. I know that you mos' likely run into trouble, an' so I follow you. Sure enough, Senor, you find trouble -and I heet heem with my finger!" "You surely did 'hit him with your finger, Nicolas," laughed Tom, grasping the little Mexican's hand and wringing it. "But now come outside.

In the Manks language, the invitation ran thus: 'Brede, Brede, tar gys my thie tar dyn thie ayms noght Foshil jee yn dorrys da Brede, as lhig da Brede e heet staigh. In English: 'Bridget, Bridget, come to my house, come to my house to-night. Open the door for Bridget, and let Bridget come in. After these words were repeated, the rushes were strewn on the floor by way of a carpet or bed for St.

Den he fire hees gun, poom! an' more as twenty prob'ly ten shot-buck heet me on the head of it!" Buckshot! "Them's the marble," thought Mr. Peaslee, "but there wasn't but one!" "Ah tol' you dey steeng lak bumbletybees. Ah t'ink me, dat weeked leetly boy goin' for shoot more as once prob'ly mebbe two, t'ree tam. Ah drop queek in de grass, an' Ah run run queek!

Those people hunt most Commonly on horse back Seround the Deer or Goat which they find in the open plains & kill them with their arrows. tho they Sometimes hunt the deer on foot & decoy them. we had all of our horses drove together to day with a view to fermilurize them to each other. those that were Cut yesterday are Stiff and Several of them much Swelled. we had all our baggage Secured and Covered with a rouf of Straw. our little fortification also completely Secured with brush around which our Camp is formed. the Greater part of our Security from the rains &c. is the grass which is formed in a kind of ruff So as to turn the rain Completely and is much the best tents we have. as the days are worm &c. we have a bowry made to write under which we find not only comfortable but necessary, to keep off the intence heet of the Sun which has great effect in this low bottom. on the high plains off the river the Climate is entirely different cool.

Attention thus directed to the Mexican showed a heavy discolored swelling upon the side of his olive-skinned face. Lorenzo looked only serious. "Hah! Speak up," shouted Jorth, impatiently. "Senor Isbel heet me ver quick," replied Lorenzo, with expressive gesture. "I see thousand stars then moocho black all like night." At that some of Daggs's men lolled back with dry crisp laughter.

But this brought him only deeper and fiercer gloom; so that between her suffering child and her savagely despairing husband, the poor mother was desperate with terror and grief. 'Ah! madame, she sobbed to Mrs. Mavor, 'my heart is broke for him. He's heet noting for tree days, but jis dreenk, dreenk, dreenk. The next day a man came for me in haste. The baby was dying and the doctor was drunk.

The man's eyes glinted wickedly. "Risk? What risk?" asked the girl. Again the man eyed her shrewdly and laughed. "Das plent' reesk on de reevaire. De scow me'be so, she heet de rock in de rapids bre'k all to hell Voil