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And, besides, he is over head-and-ears in debt, so they say. However, he is going to marry a very rich woman, and so all will be right. I like old families in decay to get round again. Henrietta dreaded that her father should observe her confusion; she had recourse to every art to prevent it. 'Dear Ferdinand, she thought to herself, 'thy very rich wife will bring thee, I fear, but a poor dower.

‘Make love upon a kitchen-dresser!’ interrupted Mr. Watkins Tottle, whose ideas of decorum were greatly outraged. ‘Ah! On a kitchen-dresser!’ replied Parsons. ‘And let me tell you, old fellow, that, if you were really over head-and-ears in love, and had no other place to make love in, you’d be devilish glad to avail yourself of such an opportunity. However, let me see;—where was I?’

Bright, admiring glances from a handsome young gentleman those were the warm rays that set poor Hetty's heart vibrating. Hetty was quite used to the thought that people liked to look at her. She was aware that Mr. Craig, the gardener at Squire Donnithorne's, was over head-and-ears in love with her.

Its sketches of travel, though destined to be surpassed in vigour and freedom of draftsmanship by the Sentimental Journey, are yet excellent, and their very obvious want of connexion with the story if story it can be called is so little felt that we almost resent the head-and-ears introduction of Mr.