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"How did the Wishbone make it?" he inquired. "I was just going to ask you if you knew," Kent replied, scowling because he saw Fred looking at Val in what he considered an impertinent manner. "My horse ran off while I was fighting fire here, so I'm afoot. I was waiting for Man to show up." "You'll git all of that you want he-he!" Polycarp cut in tactlessly. "Man won't git home t'-night not unless "

Jes' then Rita she ups with D-Doug's gun and shoots him right through. He-he trembled-like for a minute and his knees shuk and he shivered all over and turned white about the mouth like he was awful sick, and then he d-dropped on his face, shot through and through."

Hope'll think it's the day of judgment, sure he-he! Reckon I might's well git in on the fun they won't be no sleepin' within ten mile of the place, nohow, and a feller always sees the joke better when he's lendin' a hand. Too bad you an' Fred's on the outs, Kenneth." "Oh, I don't know it suits me fine," Kent declared easily, setting down his glass with a sigh of relief; he hated "pop."

"That'll fetch ye if anything will he-he!" he mumbled, tittering from sheer excitement. Beyond a very natural desire to do what he could for her, he was extremely anxious to bring her to her senses, so that he could hear what had happened, and how it had happened. "Betche Man got jealous of her'n Kenneth by granny, I betche that's how it come about hey? Feelin' better, Mis' Fleetwood?"

Then her dear old grandfather wrote: I'm wondering where my diddleums, Golly, is! We all miss you so much, deary, though we don't miss so many little things as when you were here. My dear, conscientious, unselfish little girl! You don't say where John Gale is. Is he still protecting you he-he! you giddy, naughty thing!

"Why is it necessary?" asked Trirodov. Shabalov laughed his creaking "he-he" laugh and said: "Well, it's necessary. We'll give them certificates." "What's the use of your certificates to them?" asked Trirodov. "They need knowledge and not certificates. Your certificates won't feed their hunger." "The certificates are necessary for military service," explained Shabalov.

But that's all nonsense, and on the surface. It's not merely that he has nowhere to run to, he is psychologically unable to escape me, he-he! What an expression! Through a law of nature he can't escape me if he had anywhere to go. Have you seen a butterfly round a candle? That's how he will keep circling and circling round me. Freedom will lose its attractions.

Three are missing. Of these absent ones two are dead; but the third one, a young man, is a captive to the foe. "He-he!" lament the warriors, taking food in haste. In silence each woman, with long strides, hurries to and fro, tying large bundles on her pony's back. Under cover of night the war party must hasten homeward. Motionless, with bowed head, sits a woman in her hiding-place.

Wa'al, ma'am, yer sold this yer party, too for" he advanced his face close to hers "I never let on a word, though I knew it, and although they nearly knocked me off my hoss in their fuss and fury. Ha! ha! They wanted to know what I was doin' here, he-he! Tell 'em, Joan, tell 'em." Demorest gazed from one to another with a troubled face, yet one on which a faint relief was breaking.

Where could he escape to, he-he? Abroad, perhaps? A Pole will escape abroad, but not here, especially as I am watching and have taken measures. Will he escape into the depths of the country perhaps? But you know, peasants live there, real rude Russian peasants. A modern cultivated man would prefer prison to living with such strangers as our peasants. He-he!