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The remainder of the day passed quietly enough, although by the whispering in various tents it was easy to see that something unusual was in the air. "Hazing to-night, as sure as guns," said Major Larry to one of the officers. "Shall we arrest the hazers"? asked the officer, with a twinkle in his eye.

There had been no snow, and the frost had hardened the ground, so that there were no footprints to tell the way the crowd of hazers had gone. As Jumbo said: "It's like looking for a needle in a haystack after dark; and it wouldn't do you any good to sit down in this haystack, either."

Two or three amateurs looked me up under the name, call, and address that I gave and then broadcast a denunciation of me. It begins to look as if my hazers are going to win a full revenge for the way I laughed at them at college. This day's experience has convinced me that I am in bad throughout the radio atmosphere.

"You'll have to think up an answer to your conundrum before we can consider it. Why should a college freshman be hazed in the manner that Mr. Baker's son was hazed just so that some men, confederates of the hazers, could kidnap him?

"Coming along now, Pratt?" called Judson. "Yes; I must be getting back to my own bone," replied Yearling Pratt. It would have been out of the question for yearlings to thank plebes for a service such as had just been rendered. So the late hazers merely stepped from the room. "Odd!

By tightening these ropes as desired and placing pieces of wood in between, against the back, the hazers made each victim stand with the chest pushed preternaturally forward and the chin and abdomen drawn preternaturally back. Cleary found this position irksome from the start, and soon decidedly painful, but Sam was proof against it.

"As you are now one of us, Tubbs, you must wear these," said a cadet, and furnished the fashionable youth with a mask, cap, and pair of horns. "We have now disposed of number two," said another cadet. "What of number three?" "Number three must " At that moment a gun-shot rang out on the still night air. "Hullo, something is wrong!" cried one of the hazers, in quick alarm.

Even had Briggs and Ellis been inclined to "show up" their hazers, they knew too well the fate that would await such a pair of plebes at the hands of the cadet corps. "That shows how easily a suspicious man's eyes may deceive him," mused Lieutenant Topham as he walked along. Kelton now allowed his gaze to follow the retreating O.C., while the yearlings in the tent stood in dazed silence.

Three sophomores who overheard the remark promptly "bagged" Fred and threw him over the school yard fence. "Come back with any more of that," warned one of the hazers, "and we'll scour your intellect at the town pump." Being a freshman, Prescott didn't say too much. Neither did his chums. Yet what they did say was bright and hopeful. Their spirit began to soak through the student body.

At one point signs of a scuffle had been found, but the trail, after starting down the slope, soon disappeared. Cadet Dodge could not be found. No one, unless some unidentified hazers, knew where that young sentry was. Assembly had been sounded and all cadets called out for roll call in order that it might be learned what cadets, if any, were absent from camp without authority.