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And it was fine and beautiful of you never to mention it or brag about it." Then, with a touch of reproach, "But you ought to have told me, Edward, you ought to have told your wife, you know." "Well, I er well, Mary, you see " "Now stop hemming and hawing, and tell me about it, Edward. I always loved you, and now I'm proud of you.

We always have leisure to receive our clients. Any service we can render them, we're only too happy." "But this is a very peculiar bit of business," Colonel Kelmscott answered, humming and hawing with obvious hesitation. "It isn't quite in the regular way of banking, I believe. Perhaps, indeed, I ought rather to have put it into the hands of my solicitor.

Satterlee, with much hemming and hawing, stated the business which had brought them, while Cynthia looked out of the window. Mr. Graves sat and twirled his lean thumbs. He went so far as to say that he admired a young woman who scorned to live in idleness, who wished to impart the learning with which she had been endowed.

There's no use hemming and hawing I've made a cussed fool of myself this evenin', and the boys are just about going to drink up my salary for me this coming week. I can't afford not to have you my deputy because you unlimbered your gun a grain of a second before me beat me at my own trick. I need you now what do you say?" Mose took time to reply.

Lee leaned forward with his fists resting on the table and his eyes probing Gretzinger's. "If any harm comes to Ruth through you, that bullet will pay it out," he said, harshly. "You've felt its weight. It's forty-four calibre, plenty heavy enough to do the business. I can smash a potato at thirty paces. One shot is all I shall ask. I won't do any hemming and hawing over the matter, or "

To end all, a bird in hand, etc.; and besides, what prospects had she, if she remained a spinster? So, when she was asked, Tilly accepted without further humming and hawing an invitation to drive out in the smart dog-cart Mr. Ocock had hired for the purpose; and Polly saw her off with many a small private sign of encouragement. All went well.

Smoke called a warning to prevent a rear-end collision, and the Baron, hawing his animals and swinging on the gee-pole, went by a dozen feet to the side. Yet so impenetrable was the blackness that Smoke heard him pass but never saw him. On the smooth stretch of ice beside the trading-post at Sixty Mile, Smoke overtook two more sleds.

Fiske or Duse, while he claimed that Rogers Brothers were better than Booth and Barrett had been in their Prime. She could weep over a Tosti Serenade, and he would walk a Mile at any time to see a good Buck Dance. When they got around to fixing up Invitation Lists, there was more or less Geeing and Hawing. All of his Friends belonged to the Hitemup Division.

He was very interesting in his sketches of English orators; thought Bright the best, Gladstone admirable, and Sir Stafford Northcote, with his everlasting hawing and humming, intolerable. He gave interesting reminiscences of Tom Corwin, his old preceptor, and said that Corwin's power over an audience was magical.

Smoke called a warning to prevent a rear-end collision, and the Baron, hawing his animals and swinging on the gee-pole, went by a dozen feet to the side. Yet so impenetrable was the blackness that Smoke heard him pass but never saw him. On the smooth stretch of ice beside the trading post at Sixty Mile, Smoke overtook two more sleds.