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Breakfasted with the Duc d'Aumale at Chantilly on the 2nd; first time I had seen him there. Dined at Mohl's with Haussonville, the Lyttons, and Tourgueneff. Renewed my acquaintance with Drouyn de Lhuys, who related to me the affairs of 1866. Very curious. Dined at the Political Economy Club on the 5th; and at Lytton's on the 6th. Back to London on the 7th. January 24th.

I sat aloft among the Immortals, with the Duc de Broglie, Haussonville, Lesseps, Vieil Castel, and next Alexandre Dumas, who was very pleasant. The Duc d'Aumale was on the other side. Yesterday we had a very pleasant dinner at the De Broglies' Gavard, Lambert de Ste.-Croix and Cornelis de Witt. The Comte de Paris brought down 300 himself.

Duc d'Aumale, Froude, Carnarvon, Lady Stanley, Colonel Knollys, F. Villiers, Lady Metcalfe, Newton. 19th Dined at the Duc d'Aumale's, who had bought Moncorvo House in Ennismore Gardens. Comte and Comtesse de Paris, Haussonville, Segur, Target, Audiffret, Leighton. December 21st. To Timsbury. 24th, to Foxholes. The Ogilvies there. January 3rd.

He can enumerate among his magistrates, M. Pasquier, M. Seguier, M. Mole; among his prelates, M. de Boisgelin, M. du Barral, M. du Belley, M. de Roquelaure, M. de Broglie; among his military officers, M. de Fezensac, M. de Segur, M. de Mortemart, M. de Narbonne; among the dignitaries of his palace, chaplains, chamberlains and ladies of honor the Rohan, Croy, Chevreuse, Montmorency, Chabot, Montesquiou, Noailles, Brancas, Gontaut, Grammont, Beauvau, Saint-Aignan, Montalembert, Haussonville, Choiseul-Praslin, Mercy d'Argenteau, Aubusson de la Feuillade, and many others, recorded in the imperial almanac as formerly in the royal almanac.