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"Did you forge the will by which my mistress is deprived of her rights?" "No." "Do you know who did?" Maxwell hesitated, and Hatchie again pulled the rope till his face was crimson. "Who forged the will?" repeated Hatchie, slackening the rope. "I did not," replied Maxwell, as soon as he could regain breath enough to speak. "Who did?" "I know not." Hatchie pulled the rope again. "Your master "

Emily was silent, but not satisfied. Her fears in some measure subsided, when, about two miles below the scene of the disaster, Maxwell ordered the boat to be put in at a wood-yard. The attorney was all gentleness, and assisted her to the cabin of Jerry Swinger, the owner of the wood-yard. Hatchie had been able, by severe exertion, to keep within hearing of the splashing oars.

Leaving the chop-fallen attorney to mature his plans, the conqueror returned to the hut. "O, Hatchie, Hatchie! you have again saved me!" exclaimed Emily, as she saw her deliverer reënter. "Thank God! I am safe, though at what a terrible sacrifice!" She had, in her terror, obtained but a very imperfect idea of the exciting scene which had transpired before her.

Up to that time I had received my orders direct from General Halleck at Corinth, but soon after I fell under the immediate command of General Grant and so continued to the end of the war; but, on the 29th, General Halleck notified me that "a division of troops under General C. S. Hamilton of 'Rosecrans's army corps, had passed the Hatchie from Corinth," and was destined for Holly Springs, ordering me to "cooperate as far as advisable," but "not to neglect the protection of the road."

"O, ho!" thought Uncle Nathan, "I guess the black feller didn't know that, or he would have given the papers to him;" and he resolved to inform Hatchie of Henry's presence. Descending, he soon discovered Pat Fegan, and, by his help, was enabled to hold a conference with Hatchie, who, now that it was daylight, talked through a crevice in his box.

Up to that time I had received my orders direct from General Halleck at Corinth, but soon after I fell under the immediate command of General Grant and so continued to the end of the war; but, on the 29th, General Halleck notified me that "a division of troops under General C. S. Hamilton of 'Rosecrans's army corps, had passed the Hatchie from Corinth," and was destined for Holly Springs, ordering me to "cooperate as far as advisable," but "not to neglect the protection of the road."

With a presence of mind which never deserted him, he held his peace, resolved not to frighten his mistress by exposing the fact. Hatchie stood lost in thought on the gallery long after De Guy had conducted his mistress to the dinner-table. The mulatto was in a quandary, a worse quandary than the congressional hero of Kentucky has described in any of his thousand relations of hair-breadth escapes.

When she saw Vernon fall, and then Maxwell, she realized that she was safe. With an effort, for her excited nerves had taken away her strength, she rose from her position on the floor, by the side of her lifeless hostess. At this moment Hatchie entered, and, with a heart full of gratitude, she grasped his hand. "O, Hatchie! what do I not owe you for this service!"

"I do; but why do you ask?" and Hatchie was much pained to discover in Henry what he mistook for a feeling of rapacity. He wanted and expected the perfection of an angel in the man who sustained the relation of lover and protector to his mistress. "Because I have been robbed of all I had in the world," replied Henry, seeing the shade upon Hatchie's brow.

There were at Corinth also Davies' division and two brigades of McArthur's, besides cavalry and artillery. This force constituted my left wing, of which Rosecrans was in command. General Ord commanded the centre, from Bethel to Humboldt on the Mobile and Ohio railroad and from Jackson to Bolivar where the Mississippi Central is crossed by the Hatchie River.