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A belt of dwarf spruces, nearly impenetrable. 5. Ragged rock. Cancut was our leader to-day. There are by far too many blueberries in the first zone. No one, of course, intends to dally, but the purple beauties tempted, and too often we were seduced. Still such yielding spurred us on to hastier speed, when we looked up after delay and saw the self-denying far ahead.

The Hastiers are an honest family in Lyons, doing business, it is said, on the Place des Terreaux, from father to son, and would be much humiliated to learn that their heir had become a cabinet courier, and rode the highways with the national pack on his back. Lecoq as much as you please, but not Hastier.

The Shadow Falls Lightly. Over the green uplands, into the coulées and the brushy creek-bottoms swept the sun-browned riders of the Double-Crank; jangling and rattling over untrailed prairie sod, the bed and mess wagons followed after with hasty camping at the places Billy appointed for brief sleeping and briefer eating, a hastier repacking and then the hurry over the prairies to the next stop.

"No Ramsay!" cried Hortense, jangling harder than ever. "But yes! Hortense " And in bustled M. Picot, hastier than need, methought. "What, Hillary? Not a-bed yet, child? Ha! crow's-feet under eyes to-morrow! Bed, little baggage! Forget not thy prayers! Pish! Pish! Good-night! Good-night!" That is the way an older man takes it.

As the human body descends into the regions of sickness, much sooner than it can return into health; so a family can decline into poverty by hastier steps, than rise into affluence. One generation of extravagance puts a period to many of greatness. A branch of the Fields, in 1777, finished their ancient grandeur, by signing away the last estate of his family.

A hasty toilet, and still hastier breakfast, and the doctor is again seated in his chaise, going on his accustomed rounds; but we will not now accompany him. Let us pass over two or three months, and invite ourselves to another ride.

"Death to the traitor!" threw up like the hastier wave-crests in a racing tide. Chiesa!" At this last Grifone, who had been biting his fingers shrewdly, wrung a nail apart till the blood came. His was the desperate caught face of a stoat in a trap. "What is this crying without?" said Molly in a hush. "Pest! I must find out," said Grifone.

"Learn to curb your tongue when you speak with old and honourable men, or some one hastier than I may reprove you in a sharper fashion." And he rose and paced the lower end of the apartment, struggling with anger and antipathy.

"Learn to curb your tongue when you speak with old and honourable men, or some one hastier than I may reprove you in a sharper fashion." And he rose and paced the lower end of the apartment, struggling with anger and antipathy.

She stopped with a hesitating, interrogative air. No one talked less scandal, no one put the uglinesses of life away from her with a hastier hand than Lady Winterbourne. She was one of the most consistent of moral epicures. "Yes, extremely disagreeable," said Miss Raeburn, sitting bolt upright. "The man has no principles never had any, since he was a child in petticoats.