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"With all my heart," answered she and sitting down beside him, with the dagger under her clothes, began thus, "The pleasantest thing I ever heard was as follows: Bakoun's Story of the Hashish-eater. A certain man loved the fair and spent his substance on them, till he became a beggar and used to go about the streets and markets, seeking his bread.

When the people saw what had befallen the Christian, they said, 'He hath his deserts; but what an unlucky mouthful was that for him! And another said, 'Be my wife triply divorced if ever I eat of sweet rice as long as I live! 'Praised be God, quoth the hashish-eater, 'who saved me from this fellow's fate by hindering me from eating of the rice! Then they all went out, minded thenceforth to leave sitting in the Christian's place, over against the dish of sweet rice.

'Praised by God, quoth his neighbour, 'who hath not made me meat before thee; for thou hast emptied the dish at one mouthful. 'Let him eat, said the hashish-eater; 'methinks he hath a gallows-face. Then, turning to Jewan, 'Eat, added he, 'and small good may it do thee!

The visions of the hashish-eater are real, while they last; so are those of the victim of delirium tremens. All I question is their genuineness as corresponding to an objective reality. Over the mind of the subject these visions may exercise an absolute sway. As to their occurrence, he or she is the final and absolute authority. There can be no question here.

Let it be, that it may return to those for whom it is meant and they eat it." And the Hashish-eater said, "Praised be Allah who hindered me from eating of the dish of sugared rice for I expected it to stand before him and was waiting only for him to have his enjoyment of it, to eat with him, when there befel him what we see."

So he knew that all this was but an imbroglio of dreams and an illusion of hashish and was vexed and said to him who had aroused him, 'Would thou hadst waited till I had put it in! Then said the folk, 'Art thou not ashamed, O hashish-eater, and thou lying asleep and naked, with thy yard on end? And they cuffed him, till the nape of his neck was red.

Then said the folk, "Art thou not ashamed, O Hashish-eater, to be sleeping stark naked with stiff standing tool?" And they cuffed him till his neck was red. Now he was starving, yet forsooth had he savoured the flavour of pleasure in his dream.

Then he stretched out his hand to the dish and drew it to him; but it so chanced that the Hashish-eater of whom we have spoken, was sitting by him; and when he saw him take the dish, the fumes of the Hashish left his head and he fled from his place and sat down afar off, saying, "I will have nothing to do with yonder dish." When it was the Three Hundred and Twenty-second Night,

They stand still, or they stretch to indefinite and incredible lengths all, all outside of time, which has no power upon them. So it was now. Every fraction of every second of every minute lengthened into centuries, eternities passed between minutes. The hashish-eater knows something of this terror of time, and I seemed to have eaten hashish that night.

Now the hashish-eater, of whom we have before spoken, was sitting by him; but when he saw him do this, the fumes of the hashish left his head and he fled from his place and sat down afar off, saying, 'I will have nothing to do with yonder dish. Then Jewan put out his hand, as it were a crow's foot, and dipping it in the dish, scooped up therewith half the dishful and drew it out, as it were a camel's hoof, and the bottom of the dish appeared.