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"It WAS horrid; it was disgraceful. I told your wife we ought all to be ashamed of ourselves for going, and I think Alexa was quite right to refuse to take any tickets even if it was for a charity." "Oh," her hostess murmured, indifferently, "with me charity begins at home. I can't afford emotional luxuries." "A charity? A charity?" Hartly exulted. "I hadn't seized the full beauty of it.

"Then you MUST know who he is," cried Mrs. Armiger, with a triumphant air of penetration. Hartly and Flamel laughed and Dresham shook his head. "No one knows; not even the publishers; so they tell me at least." "So they tell you to tell us," Hartly astutely amended; and Mrs.

One John Hartly was his constant companion in his debauches, and generally speaking an assistant in his crimes. Both of them in the evening of the ninth of March, 1722, attacked one Roger Worebington, near Shoreditch, as he was going across the fields on some business.

Bates," I append a narrative given me verbally by Miss Hartly, who, like Mr. Bates, had, up to the time of her experience, posed as a pronounced and somewhat bitter sceptic. She was an emphatic freethinker, and had then no belief whatsoever in a future life. Now she believes "a sight" more than most people.

"No, sir, you cannot pay for it," replied Mr. Baron indignantly. "I keep a house of entertainment only for my friends. At the same time I know your request is equivalent to a command, and we will do the best we can." "Very well, sir. I can repay you in a way that will be satisfactory to my mind and be more advantageous to you. Hartly, tell the officer in command to permit no depredations.

One day, my godfather, Captain Hartly, came to see us, and he took great notice of me. He asked me if I should like to go to sea? Then he told me such fine things about life in the navy, and on board ship, that my wavering mind fired at his descriptions, and I determined to be a sailor, for such a life would be more congenial to my feelings than the quiet life of a country clergyman.

He got him transferred to the 'Albatross, Captain Hill, a kind, gentlemanly man. "A few years back, Captain Hartly died; leaving him considerable property. John's Wood.

He took a chair also, still placing himself so that he could watch her. She grew plainly more nervous. "Who is Mr. Hartly?" he asked, abruptly. She looked at him in a frightened way, and the hand that she lifted to her throat was trembling.

But, observing the gracious outpouring of fortune upon the rustic with the rare accent, a youth in a green tie disengaged his arm for the first time in two hours from that of a girl upon whose finger there shone a ring, sumptuous and golden, and, conducting her to a corner of the yard, bade her remain there until he returned. He had to speak to Hartly Bowlder, he explained.

Necessity of some punishment Rewards to Monitors Trial by Jury Illustrative case Necessity of firmness Anecdotes Playing the truant Its evils Means for prevention Devices for punishment Sympathy encouraged Evil of expelling children Case of Hartly Difficulty of legislating for rewards and punishments Badge of distinction not necessary.