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Opinions are harticles that help to sell each other; and a ship of the tonnage of yours might stow enough, provided they were properly assorted, to carry all before them for the season." Expressing a wish to see the packages, we were immediately led into an adjoining warehouse, where, sure enough, there were goodly lots of the manufactures in question.

"Vas hall your money right, Mr Biggs?" inquired the purser's steward. "I didn't count," replied the boatswain magnificently. "No gentlemen are habove that," replied Easthupp; "but there are many light-fingered gentry about. The quantity of vatches and harticles of value vich were lost ven I valked Bond Street in former times is incredible."

Now, Sir! if you please, mind that packet! pretty darling easy with that box, Sir, its glass pooooty poppet where's the deal case, marked arrowroot, No. 24? she cried, reading out of a list she had. And poor little James went to sleep. The porters were bundling and carting the various harticles with no more ceremony than if each package had been of cannonball.

"Four miles further and back, height miles makes a difference to the harticles." Murmurs of disapproval rendered Dick bold. "Suppose we say you've got to take us to Hawley's," he said, warmly. "Suppose you do," said Bob, coolly. "I'd like to know what you'd say about it," said Dick, warmly. "Say it and I'll let you know," said Bob, coolly, so very coolly that Dick was cooled.

"You are quite right, sir," added the broker; "we did send large invoices of them to Leaplow formerly, and they were all eagerly bought up, the moment they arrived. A great many were dyed over again, and sold as of 'ome manufacture. Most of these harticles are now shipped for Leapup, with whom we have negotiations that give them a certain value."

I never was in Leaplow, but we says over 'ere, that the Leaplowers eat, and drink, and sleep on our opinions. Lord, sir, it would really do your heart good to see the stuff, in these harticles, that they does take from us without higgling!" "I presume, brigadier, that you use them as an amusement as a means to pass a pleasant hour, of an evening a sort of moral segar?"

"'Opinions of Leaplow Literature, From No. 1 up to No. 100." "Ah! it is proper I should explain," put in the broker, "that we has two varieties of them 'ere harticles.

"Vas hall your money right, Mr Biggs?" inquired the purser's steward. "I didn't count," replied the boatswain magnificently. "No gentlemen are above that," replied Easthupp; "but there are many light-fingered gentry habout. The quantity of vatches and harticles of value vich were lost ven I valked Bond Street in former times is incredible."

"You can't carry this hidee through without my 'elp." "We hired you to take us to the woods." "You 'ired me and my wagin and them harticles whoa!" You didn't 'ire me for 'Awley's, and I haint goin' ther' without a new contract." "What difference is it to you where we go?" Dick demanded. "You belong to us for the day."

I forgot to say that we were in the seeknd class, having with us James Hangelo, and 23 other light harticles. "Fust inconveniance: and almost as bad as break of gage.